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Figure 2
The different photographs have been scaled to fit, so crystal size and pore size between panels are not to scale. (a) Thaumatin at 0.5 M Na,K tartrate in a 1.0 mm pore; crystals grow both attached to the edge and free in solution. (b) Thaumatin at 1.0 M Na,K tartrate in a 0.5 mm pore showing extensive nucleation in the smallest pore. (c) Glucose isomerase at 1.5 M AmSulfate in a 0.7 mm pore. (d) Glucose isomerase at 10% PEG8000 in a 0.5 mm pore after 40 h showing crystals and needles. (e) Same sample as (d) after 7 days; needles have disappeared completely. (f) Glucose isomerase at 15% PEG8000 in a 1.0 mm pore: crystals and needles co-existing. (g) Same as (f) in a hanging drop showing no needles. (h) Trypsin in 1.5 M AmSulfate in a 1.0 mm pore showing phase separation. (i) Same as (h) in a hanging drop showing intergrown plates. (j) Trypsin at 1.5 M AmSulfate (duplicate) in a 1.0 mm pore showing intergrown plates. (k) Catalase at 8% PEG8000 in a 1.0 mm pore showing rods. (l) Same as (k) in a hanging drop showing a branched rod and additional nucleation.

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