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Figure 5
(a) Projection onto the xy plane, and (b) and (c) schematic crystallographic structure of normal spinel AB2O4 with [A({1\over 8}, {1\over 8}, {1\over 8})], [B({1\over 2}, {1\over 2}, {1\over 2})] and O(x, x, x) where [x \simeq 0.26]. The unit cell is shifted [({1\over 8}, {1\over 8}, {1\over 8})] from the origin of the primed coordinates. In (a), numbers inside circles denoting atoms indicate z positions of the corresponding atoms. Clearly, the coordinates of O atoms are slightly displaced from the cubic corners. Shaded (unshaded) areas for all figures contain an A (B) atom inside a tetrahedral (octahedral) arrangement of O atoms as shown in (c). A careful inspection, especially in (c), confirms that the octahedral hole is bigger than the tetrahedral hole.

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