Figure 1
The reciprocal-space coordinate system (qx, qz) of the sample. The angles between the sample surface and the incoming and outgoing X-rays, kin and kout, are denoted ω and θ, respectively. Owing to the convergence Δω of kin, a range of nonconcentric Ewald circles is illuminated simultaneously (dotted lines). The angle-resolving detector is represented as a tangent at the intersection of an Ewald circle and the qz axis (thick dashed line). The resolution is dominated by the convergence Δω and we neglect the acceptance of the detector pixels Δθ→0 here (see text). A pixel at a fixed angle θ then integrates over the resolution area, which is inclined by ω with respect to the qz axis. The thin dashed lines are parallel to kout (fixed θ) but originate at different kin vectors, determined by the convergence Δω. The energy spread leads to a broadening along qz. The resolution area is approximated as an ellipsoid, assuming a Gaussian distribution of Δω and ΔE. The inset shows the different scan types for RSM: the ω/2θ scan goes along the qz axis, the ω scan is approximately parallel to the qx axis and the 2θ scan goes along the Ewald circle. |