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Figure 3
Typical morphology of the crystals grown in the OCPs and control plates. (a)–(d) Images of crystallization droplets in the OCP group. (a′)–(d′) Images of crystallization droplets in the control group. (a), (a′) Catalase: 10 mg ml−1; crystallization conditions: F6. (b), (b′) α-Chymotrypsinogen: 10 mg ml−1; crystallization conditions: D4. (c), (c′) Concanavalin A: 10 mg ml−1; crystallization conditions: D4. (d), (d′) Glucose isomerase: 3.5 mg ml−1; crystallization conditions: F4. The Index crystallization screening kit from Hampton Research Company was used. The crystals grown in the OCPs usually exhibited better morphology (larger size and a higher number of well defined faces) than the crystals grown in the control plates.

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