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Figure 7
Measured diffraction-line broadening induced by loading [given as the integral breadth broadening contribution [\Delta\beta], equation (9)[link]] as a function of [\sin^2\psi] for a Cu thin film on an Si wafer in the loaded state (filled circles), for reflections 111, 200, 220 and 311. The loading was achieved by cooling from room temperature to 153 K, resulting in a biaxially rotationally symmetric stress state [\sigma_\parallel\equiv\sigma_{11} = \sigma_{22} = 280] MPa. The broadening contributions as predicted according to the isotropic Reuss (open boxes) and the anisotropic Vook–Witt (open diamonds) grain-interaction models, for the case of a 111 fiber texture resembling the 111 fiber texture in the specimen (see Fig. 3[link]), have been indicated as well.

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