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Figure 4
Data for (a), (b) BSA and (c), (d) OVA. (a), (c) UV traces (at 280 nm) from the HPLC unit (black lines) and on the SAXS exposure cell (light purple and light orange), together with the integrated SAXS intensity I(q) over time (dark purple and dark orange). Arrows indicate the dimer elution peaks. (b), (d) SEC-SAXS data sets (data points) corresponding to the protein dimers, marked by the arrows in panels (a) and (c), and theoretical scattering curve calculated from the known crystallographic dimer structure of BSA (gray line), together with the corresponding pair-distance distribution functions, p(r), from the experimental data (solid lines) and from the crystal structure (dotted line). Ab initio models obtained from the experimental data and the crystal structure (for BSA) are shown as insets.

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