Figure 1
(a) Schematic of the GINIX setup: downstream of the undulator source and the monochromator (not shown) (1) slits S1, (2) attenuation foils made of Mo, (3) slits S2, (4) KB mirror system, (5) soft-edge aperture (∼12 mm in front of the focus), (6) nanowire sample in the focal plane, (7) STCS (Ge) and (8) Lambda detector. The flight tube between sample and detection device is not shown. (b) shows a diffraction pattern as recorded with the Lambda and the STCS (7). (c) Same diffraction pattern as in (b) but rescaled according to measured STCS-attenuation distribution. The colour bar is the same in (b) and (c). Scale bars in (b) and (c) denote q = 50 µm−1. |