- 1. Introduction
- 2. Elementary bicrystallography
- 3. Space groups of homophase bilayers with coincidence lattices
- 4. Conclusion
- A1. Graphene bilayers with coincidence lattices
- A2. Hexagonal and rectangular coordinates
- A3. Coincidence and union lattices
- A4. The coincidence pattern [{\cal P}]
- A5. Symmetry groups of twisted graphene bilayers
- B1. Homogeneous dilatation–rotation coincidence lattices for heterophase bilayers
- C1. Pure shear deformation
- C2. 1D dilatation
- References

- 1. Introduction
- 2. Elementary bicrystallography
- 3. Space groups of homophase bilayers with coincidence lattices
- 4. Conclusion
- A1. Graphene bilayers with coincidence lattices
- A2. Hexagonal and rectangular coordinates
- A3. Coincidence and union lattices
- A4. The coincidence pattern [{\cal P}]
- A5. Symmetry groups of twisted graphene bilayers
- B1. Homogeneous dilatation–rotation coincidence lattices for heterophase bilayers
- C1. Pure shear deformation
- C2. 1D dilatation
- References

research papers
Crystallography of homophase twisted bilayers: coincidence, union lattices and space groups
aCNRS UMR 8247, Institut de Recherche de Chimie ParisTech, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France
*Correspondence e-mail: denis.gratias@chimieparistech.psl.eu
This paper presents the basic tools used to describe the global symmetry of so-called bilayer structures obtained when two differently oriented crystalline monoatomic layers of the same structure are superimposed and displaced with respect to each other. The 2D nature of the layers leads to the use of complex numbers that allows for simple explicit analytical expressions of the symmetry properties involved in standard bicrystallography [Gratias & Portier (1982). J. Phys. Colloq. 43, C6-15–C6-24; Pond & Vlachavas (1983). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A, 386, 95–143]. The focus here is on the twist rotations such that the superimposition of the two layers generates a coincidence lattice. The set of such coincidence rotations plotted as a function of the lengths of their coincidence lattice unit-cell nodes exhibits remarkable arithmetic properties. The second part of the paper is devoted to determination of the space groups of the bilayers as a function of the rigid-body translation associated with the coincidence rotation. These general results are exemplified with a detailed study of graphene bilayers, showing that the possible symmetries of graphene bilayers with a coincidence lattice, whatever the rotation and the rigid-body translation, are distributed in only six distinct types of space groups. The appendix discusses some generalized cases of heterophase bilayers with coincidence lattices due to specific lattice constant ratios, and mechanical deformation by elongation and shear of a layer on top of an undeformed one.
1. Introduction
The discovery of strong electronic correlations and superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (Trambly de Laissardière et al., 2010, 2012
), with a so-called magic rotation angle close to 1.05° where the Fermi velocity vanishes, has significantly increased the interest in detailed study (Cao, Fatemi, Demir et al., 2018
; Cao, Fatemi, Fang et al., 2018
) of these kinds of low-dimension structures [see, for transition metal dichalcogenides, Naik & Jain (2018
), Wu et al. (2019
), Soriano & Lado (2020
), Venkateswarlu et al. (2020
)]. The eventual aim is to determine which symmetry property may explain the existence of flat bands in the electronic structure (Suarez Morell et al., 2010
): what, in the symmetry properties (if any) of twisted bilayers, is at the origin of this electronic localization?
A robust answer to this question requires a practical and simple crystallographic description of bilayer structures. This is the focus of the present work. The fundamental mathematical aspects of coincidence lattices at any dimensions are to be found in the very elaborated studies of Pleasants et al. (1996), Baake & Grimm (2006
), Baake & Zeiner (2017
). We focus here on the very elementary practical aspect of investigating the unique case of 2D bilayer structures.
Investigation of the symmetry properties of the superimposition of two 3D crystals, called bicrystals, was carried out in the 1980s (Gratias & Portier, 1982; Pond & Vlachavas, 1983
) in the study of the properties of grain boundaries in metals and alloys. Although, at that time, these bicrystals were only theoretical concepts, their 2D versions of superimposing two monoatomic layers make sense in the present context as the idealization of a twisted bilayer considered as the superimposition of two infinitely thin monoatomic layers differently oriented by a twist rotation of angle α perpendicular to the layer plane and displaced with respect to each other by a translation τ in the plane.
The paper is organized as follows. Our first task is to enumerate which specific rotation angles α lead to a situation where two homophase layers share a common say , of index Σ in Λ, and to explicitly give the expressions of these sublattices
and those
generated by the union of the lattices of the two layers. Our second task is to understand how these specific coincidence angles are distributed with respect to the values of the square length σ (identical to Σ for the square and hexagonal systems) of the coincidence unit-cell vectors. Our third task is to determine which
is generated for bilayers with coincidence lattices when the rigid-body translation τ varies at constant rotation α. Three appendices give the explicit illustration of the whole process in the case of twisted graphene bilayers and the conditions for coincidence and union lattices to exist in the case of heterophase bilayers obtained by dilatation and/or rotation or mechanical deformation.
We use the following notation: point groups are noted in capital letters like G or W; space groups and translation groups are noted in calligraphic letters like or
; space symmetry operators (or functions in the complex plane as discussed next) are noted as
whereas operators are simply written as α or g.
2. Elementary bicrystallography
As already mentioned, homophase bilayers are ideally defined here as the superimposition of two identical monolayers on top of each other, forming an infinitely thin layer of matter. The twist operation, that transforms the monolayer I into II, is either a rotation–translation acting as
, or a mirror translation (in all 2D enantiomorphic structures, these two descriptions are equivalent as they describe the same twist operation)
oriented along a direction of angle θ with the x axis, acting as
The original monolayer I has [we use the notations of Hahn (2005)]
with Γ and lattice Λ showing the holohedral symmetry class of
according to:
(i) Oblique system :
(ii) Rectangular system :
(iii) Square system :
(iv) Hexagonal system :
The corresponding group and lattice of the second monolayer II are given by
Since any point in the orbit of r under can be equivalently chosen, we characterize the transformation from layer I to II by the set
. The inverse transformation from II to I is given by
as shown in Fig. 1
![]() | Figure 1 Passing from monolayer I to monolayer II is achieved by the set |
2.1. Using complex numbers for 2D crystallography
2D crystallography is particularly simple to handle using complex numbers. In fact, any 2D vector V = (x,y) in an orthonormal reference frame of the plane is equivalently described by a complex number . Concerning the nodes of a 2D lattice
defined by its of vectors a and b, we choose the unit-cell vector a along the real axis and its length as the length unit with no loss of generality. The unit vector b is the complex number
where ρ is the length of vector b in
units and φ the angle of b with the real axis as shown in Fig. 2
. A general primitive lattice
of unit vectors a = 1 and
is then the set of complex numbers
[In addition, c-type lattices encountered in the rectangular symmetry class () are defined as
.] The complex notations of the 2D lattices are given in Table 1
![]() | Figure 2 The lattice |
The symmetry operations act as functions of complex variable f(z) as elementary transformations of complex numbers:
(i) A translation acts on a point z as
(ii) A rotation ϕ around the origin transforms z into ;
(iii) A mirror passing through the origin and oriented in the direction θ transforms z into
Space operators are the usual combinations of point symmetries and translations as shown in Table 2.
2.2. Coincidence angles for homophase bilayers
(This includes bilayers with different monolayers but sharing identical lattices.) General twisted bilayers are quasiperiodic structures built on a module of rank 4. Specific cases arise for particular values of the rotation angle α, called coincidence angles, where the two initial lattices Λ and
share a 2D
, called the coincidence lattice characterized by the index Σ [defined by equation (9
)], the ratio of the unit-cell sizes of
. This makes the nodes of the general
module of rank 4 condense on a 2D lattice
called the union lattice, discussed later, in a similar way to generating periodic approximants from quasicrystals. In fact, as will be shown next, coincidence angles occur an infinite countable number of times and form a uniformly dense set of values on the real axis: any generic twisted bilayer is infinitely close to a coincidence situation which is the only case leading to exact space symmetries of the bilayer.
Finding the proper coincidence angles has been the subject of a very large number of publications for 2D and 3D crystals (see, for instance, Ranganathan, 1966; Grimmer, 1973
, 1974
, 1984
). The most complete and recent analysis of coincidence lattices in 2D crystals has been given by Romeu et al. (2012
), a work that we reconsider here briefly using complex notations and that leads to a derivation which is simple and gives explicit expressions for the coincidence and union (homophase) lattices, as discussed next.
Let α be the rotation angle from the first monolayer to the second, both of G. The coincidence lattice, if any, is the common subset of the lattice translations of the monolayers:
A first necessary condition for a coincidence lattice to possibly exist is that a lattice row defined by the node (n,m) with superimposes on another one
of the same orbit under
by the rotation α around the origin:
The possible generic solutions are listed below according to the crystalline system of the structure. {There are a few specific cases, in particular for the square system, with n2+m2 = where the nodes (n,m) and
do not belong to the same orbit under
[for instance the nodes (3, 4) and (5, 0)]. These cases are not explicitly considered here.}
(i) Oblique system of , so that there are no solutions but the trivial rotation
(ii) Rectangular system {this includes the special case of those specific oblique lattices where which should be considered as c-type rectangular lattices [ cm(m)]}
: the generic orbit contains four terms
; the two non-trivial solutions are those where
is deduced from (n,m) by the mirrors
(iii) Square system of
: in addition to the rectangle case, new solutions are
. All these solutions can be generated by using the mirror mx and the mirror
rotated by
up to additional
(iv) Hexagonal system : here too, all possible solutions are obtained by using the mirror mx and the mirror
rotated from the x axis by
up to additional rotations of
Hence, with the exception of the oblique system which presents no generic solutions, the rotation of a lattice node on top of one of its equivalents can be achieved using the two mirror generators of these point groups (see, for instance, Coxeter, 1963) according to: rectangle (
) mirrors in the directions
; square (
) mirrors in the directions
; hexagonal (
) mirrors in the directions
Let be the rotation around the origin that superimposes the node
, on top of z =
related to
by the mirror
oriented along the direction θ as shown in Fig. 3
. Putting
, we note that
and therefore
so that
and thus
These three relations apply for the rectangle, square and hexagonal systems with the following specific forms:
![]() | Figure 3 For all 2D systems except the oblique case, which has no generic solution, two homophase layers share the same crystallographic row defined by the lattice node |
Rectangle :
Square :
Hexagonal :
These relations are necessary conditions for ensuring two equivalent lattice rows superimpose on each other by the rotation and
. Because these two solutions differ only by the constant rotation θ, we consider from now on the unique solution
defined by the basic relations
remembering that with each solution δ is associated the solution
2.2.1. Coincidence lattices in the rectangle system
Ensuring one row in coincidence is of course not sufficient to generate a 2D coincidence lattice: this requires another non-collinear row of lattice nodes to be in coincidence for the same rotation angle.
We discard the oblique system that we know has no generic rows of coincidence whatever the rotation angle and thus no possible coincidence lattice. We focus now on the unique rectangle system since the square and hexagonal systems are specific high-symmetry cases of the rectangle one.
Let {T1,T2} be the of the coincidence lattice we seek with
in the rectangle system. Because
, if it exists, shares at least the same symmetry class as the lattice of the monolayer (see, for instance, Gratias & Portier, 1982
) – here the rectangular symmetry 2mm or higher – another coincidence vector
exists that is aligned along
up to a certain ratio r:
This requires , thus
which is achieved if and only if
, i.e.
, where p and q are coprime positive integers. Thus, σ is a rational number:
and is a multiple of
These results confirm in a few calculation steps those obtained by Romeu et al. (2012) following a seminal paper by Ranganathan (1966
) in the context of classical 3D crystallography. Here, coincidence lattices in homophase bilayers in the rectangular system exist if and only if the ratio
is the square root of a rational number:
[Oblique lattices with as the hexagonal lattice can be considered as rectangular c-type lattices of parameters
and therefore show a 2D coincidence lattice when
, with
.] We conclude therefore that the coincidence angles for the rectangle system are distributed as a uniformly dense countable set of points on the real axis as
2.2.2. Explicit expression of the coincidence lattice in the rectangle system
The unit vector T2 of is the smallest vector along
with integer coordinates
It is obtained by multiplying by q and then dividing the result by
We first note that putting and
, we obtain
, which explicitly shows that, indeed, T2 belongs to Λ. We then observe that, as required, T2 is orthogonal to T1, but the length of T2 is in the ratio ρ with the length of T1 only when
and therefore, although with at least the same symmetry class as Λ, the coincidence lattice is not necessarily homothetic to Λ in the general case as illustrated in Fig. 4
![]() | Figure 4 Example of coincidence lattices in black in the rectangular system |
Because of relations (7), we have
so that the coincidence lattice is explicitly given by
showing that the coincidence lattice is generated by a lattice characterized by
, rotated by δ with respect to Λ and linearly dilated by
Since Σ is the index of the translation group in Λ, i.e. the ratio of the surfaces of the of the coincidence lattice
with respect to the one of the lattice Λ, we find
which is, indeed, an integer since is a divisor of n2q+m2p.
2.2.3. The union lattice
The other fundamental translation group is the group generated by the union of the lattice translation groups of the two crystals:
where ,
This shows that, for any coincidence angle and any symmetry class larger than or equal to the rectangular one, is homothetic to
in the linear ratio
(this ratio applies on each unit vector leading thus to a of nodes
). It is easily demonstrated that this relation holds for the square and hexagonal (see Appendix A
) systems with the coincidence lattices given by
2.3. Coincidence patterns ![[{\cal P} = (\delta,\sigma)]](teximages/nv5002fi169.svg)
A classical scheme in metallurgy consists of collecting all the possible coincidence angles α, each associated with its Σ index, in a general pattern of points
which is the superimposition of all the coincidence angles equivalent to α with respect to the intrinsic symmetries of the layer, each associated with its Σ. In the case of a rectangle system, this pattern can exhibit quite a complicated fine structure due to the arithmetic irregularities introduced by the term
in the definition of Σ seen in equation (9
). Moreover, this kind of pattern is heavily redundant because of the superimposition of several rotations that are equivalent with respect to the inner symmetry of the layer. In fact, as shown in Fig. 5
, a simpler and equally informative pattern is obtained by plotting only one rotation representative in the elementary sector of the of the monolayer, as a function of the square length of the superposition node (n,m) instead of Σ:
A very basic fact is that since the coincidence angles are defined by lattice vectors (n,m), where n and m are coprime integers, these vectors point to those nodes of a 2D lattice known as the set of points visible from the origin, noted here , as shown in Fig. 6
. All points
of the coincidence pattern
are in a one-to-one correspondence with those (n,m), of
![]() | Figure 5 We visualize the set of coincidence angles in plotting the values of the coincidence angles |
![]() | Figure 6 The points of coincidence are defined by coprime pairs of integers (n,m), i.e. by fractions m/n in their irreducible forms. Plotted on the nodes of a lattice, they generate the so-called set ![]() |
In particular, rational rows in the set faithfully mirror the branches in
that are asymptotically converging to specific angles δ characterized by their coincidence nodes (n,m) with
as exemplified by the rows and corresponding branches drawn in cyan and purple in Figs. 6
and 7
![]() | Figure 7 Distribution of the coincidence angles ![]() |
The simplest way to classify and order these branches is to label them according to Farey sequences f(N) (see, for instance, Hardy & Wright, 1979). The Farey sequence of order N, noted f(N), is the set of fractions m/n where m and n are coprime integers, associated with the nodes (n,m) of the set
[see, for instance, in a different context Philippon (2008
)], and such that
, ordered by size.
We note the following properties:
(i) For any two elements of a sequence, corresponding in the set to the nodes (n0,m0) pointing in the direction tan(m0/n0) and (n1,m1) pointing in the direction tan(m1/n1), with
, the vector (n0+n1,m0+m1) pointing along their diagonal is such that
with =
(ii) If two elements i and j are consecutive ( j = i+1) in a sequence with then
. Because of Bezout's identity, we deduce that beyond (ni,mi) and (nj,mj) being coprimes, the pairs (ni,nj) and (mi,mj) are also coprimes.
In fact, because the coincidence angles α run between 0 and π for the rectangle system, the sequences we are interested in here are extended Farey sequences (Halphn, 1877), noted
, made of the standard Farey sequence f(N) between (1, 0) and (1, 1) completed by the sequence from (1, 1) to (0, 1), obtained in adding to the original sequence the inverse fractions n/m in opposite order. Such typical extended sequences for the rectangular system, where
, are
For the square system, the possible twist angles run from 0 to with the basic sequences (
For the hexagonal system, with twist angles extending from 0 to , the sequences (
) are
2.4. Invariance property of the branches
Defining branches of points in the coincidence pattern is pertinent when the points of the same branch, described by a running index k, share the same property independent of this index. To determine which invariance property a branch corresponds to, we note that, because of relations (1), (2
) and (3
), any two points
, associated with the coincidence node (n,m), and
, associated with
, of the same coincidence pattern are related by
where .
Relation (13) is the key for characterizing the invariance rule for each branch of the pattern.
We consider the case of the rectangle system () and choose two Farey neighbor terms (n0,m0) and (n1,m1) such that
. We put
We consider the set of nodes
under their irreducible form [], defining the points in
with .
As shown in Fig. 6, at constant
and running k, these nodes
describe rows in
that are parallel to the direction (n0,m0). At constant k and running
, they describe rows in the direction (n1,m1). These two rows intersect at the node (n0+n1,m0+m1).
Observing that
we note that at constant and running k, the points
describe a set of branches in
, one for each value of
, asymptotic (by upper values for
and by lower values for
) to
where all points share the invariance property:
Similarly, from relation (17), at constant k and running
, corresponds a set of branches asymptotic (by upper values for
and by lower values for
) to
sharing the invariance property
Concerning the irreducibility property, we note that and
are both multiples of
and therefore k and
must be coprime for the node
to belong to
. Thus, any row in the set generated by a running
at constant
exhibits only the points that are not multiples of the prime factors of the constant
. For example, in the Farey sequence F(0) = [(1,0),(0,1)] where
, the rows parallel to the x corresponding to running k at constant
show, in increasing
order: all k values for
, only odd values of k for
, k not a multiple of 3 for
, k not a multiple of 2 and 3 for
etc. The densest rows correspond to
being a prime number. The same behavior is to be found for the rows parallel to the y direction and, extraordinarily enough, for any row parallel to a rational direction.
The branches associated with the smallest values of
, designated here as optimal branches because they generate the smallest coincidence are those where the constant
in relations (16
) and (17
) is the unity. These are the branches and associated rows colored, respectively, in cyan and purple in Figs. 6
and 7
The two optimal branches in k and defined by the neighbor nodes (n0,m0), (n1,m1) in the Farey sequence intersect at the node defined by
, i.e. at the node (n0+n1,m0+m1) which is precisely the term inserted between the two original nodes in the Farey sequence next to the original one.
2.5. Analytical expression of the optimal branches
Although the coincidence angles form a dense enumerable set of points on the trigonometric circle, the proximity of two alpha values does not ensure that of their corresponding σ values. This happens only when the two angles are on the same branch. Two branches are particularly important which are asymptotic to the angles of the generating mirrors of the of the lattice of the monolayer, i.e. for all systems, with additional
for a rectangle,
for a square and
for a hexagonal system. They have a particular importance for bilayers with very small rotations as they allow us to choose the smallest-sized coincidence lattices closest to the angle we seek generating the smallest atomic model to be used in electronic calculations.
In the rectangle system, the two extreme asymptotic angles are and
associated with the two extreme branches defined by the Farey sequence [ (n0,m0) = (1, 0), (n1,m1) = (0, 1)]. The relation (4
) leads to
We assume (
). Using
, we find
We first observe, as shown in Fig. 8, that each time k and p share the same divisor,
changes its value so that the initially unique
branch splits into ν subbranches
, where ν is the number of divisors of p. [Let
be the positive integer of prime factors a, b, c,…; the number of its divisors is
.] Similarly,
splits into μ subbranches
, where μ is the number of divisors of q.
![]() | Figure 8 Splitting of the optimal branches as plotted against Σ instead of σ in the rectangle system for the cases |
We then note that the same angle δ is shared by the two branches at steps, respectively, k and when
, i.e. for
for one branch and
, for the other,
. At that stage
and therefore
. The two branches superimpose every p steps for one branch and q steps for the other with the same Σ values. Hence, the optimal branch for small angles in the rectangle system (
) is found to be
with a primitive lattice of parameters A = , B =
that condenses to a c-type lattice (A+B)/2,
when p, q and l are all three simultaneously odd.
For the square system, the situation is much simpler since here . The Farey sequence to be used here is [(1,0),(1,1)] out of which we obtain
The same angle δ is shared by the two branches each time with, then,
. This is easily understood by noting that
both even, which lead directly to
with a σ value twice smaller. The branch asymptotic to
is therefore the optimal solution with the smallest defined by
with a primitive lattice defined by A = (1+l+il), .
The case of the hexagonal system is treated in Appendix A and leads to
These results are easily understood by noting that the smallest coincidence angles are obtained when the two superimposed nodes are as close as possible to each other.
Indeed, applying relation (4) to the rectangle system with
and n = 1, m = ql leads to
For the square system with and n = l+1, m = l, relation (4
) gives
and for the hexagonal system, with and n = 2l+1, m = l
3. Space groups of homophase bilayers with coincidence lattices
of a homophase bilayer with a coincidence lattice is a simple work in principle that follows the same general scheme: the symmetry group of a set of two identical objects taken as a whole is the union of the symmetry elements that are common to both objects and are intrinsic symmetries of these objects plus extra elements, if any, that exchange the two objects as illustrated in Fig. 9 ![]() | Figure 9 These two identical cups share the same mirror (blue frame) and transform into each other by another mirror (red frame) perpendicular to the previous one. Alone, each cup has the point symmetry m, but the pair of cups, taken as a whole, has 2mm. |
It is easily demonstrated that the union of these two sets forms a group (see, for instance, Gratias & Quiquandon, 2020). Here, both the rotation α and the rigid-body translations τ are to be considered in the computations of these two basic sets:
(i) The intersection group contains those symmetry elements of the original layers that are of the same nature and superimpose in space,
where ; this group is never empty since it contains at least the identity and the translation group
of the coincidence lattice.
(ii) The additional set of symmetry elements correspond to those extra new elements that exchange the two layers, transforming layer I into II and simultaneously II into I, defined by the intersection of the cosets with
designated, if not empty, the exchange set
The symmetry group of the homophase bilayer, say of translation group
, is thus the union
In addition to the group , another fundamental symmetry group of interest is the
which generates, for a given rotation α and a given rigid-body translation τ, all translations
that generate equivalent bilayers, i.e. bilayers that can superimpose on top of each other by an Any two such translations τ and
for the same rotation α are said to be equivalent. They form the orbit of τ in
Because the rigid-body translation acts as a global translation of the layers, it is sufficient to consider only the orientational symmetry, i.e. the Γ, instead of the whole . The
is obtained as in the preceding case, by considering the intersection of the point groups I and II and the exchange set but with the major change that, since the elements of the exchange set transform τ into its opposite, we must multiply the exchange set by the inversion operation:
where stands for the inversion operator. [A very unfortunate mistake is to be corrected in the work of Gratias & Quiquandon (2020
) where the inversion operation has been forgotten in the expression of
and improperly added in the one of
.] Here again, it is easily shown that
is a group.
The translation is found owing to the fact that adding to τ any translation of the lattices of either crystal transforms the bilayer into one of its equivalents. This translation group is the union group
introduced in Section 2.2.3
. The set of equivalent translations to τ is therefore the orbit of τ in the
generated by the product of
with the translation group
Hence, the number of different symmetry groups of the bilayers induced by varying the rigid-body translation τ for a given rotation α is the number of strata of the group (
). For example, as shown in Appendix A
and Fig. 13, there are only six different space groups for graphene bilayers whatever the rigid-body translation (and whatever the α rotation). It also shows that the natural reference frame to be used for labeling τ is the union lattice. Moreover, the domain of definition of the rigid-body translation τ becomes very narrow and decreases linearly as
for coincidence angles α tending towards zero. As a consequence, at very small angles of rotation where the coincidence lattice increases dramatically, the of the union lattice becomes small enough for the rigid-body translation to become physically meaningless. Therefore, in the case of large moiré patterns due to small disorientations, it is not necessary to consider the rigid-body translation in the description (it can be chosen to be the null vector).
3.1. Finding the bilayer groups: point symmetry
The and mirrors
The rotation α commutes with all the rotations of the lattice crystal since
The intersection is thus the set of all the rotations of the of the crystal whatever the value of the coincidence angle α.
On the other hand, the exchange set contains the mirrors generated by the product of the rotation α by the original mirrors, i.e. mirrors rotated by
from the original ones. Indeed, the elements of
act on z as
whereas those of
act as
Therefore the exchange sets contain all the mirrors obtained by a rotation of of the original mirrors of the structure whatever the value of the coincidence angle α. This explains why the coincidence lattice
has the same as the original symmetry class of the lattice. For the group
, the exchange set that contains all the mirrors is multiplied by the inversion, generating thus an equivalent set of mirrors but rotated by
with respect to the initial ones.
3.2. Finding the bilayer groups: space symmetry
The is easily determined since it is the of
Concerning the group , the calculation requires a few steps.
Elements of are the elements
such that
and elements of
are the elements
such that
From =
, with
being either a rotation
, or a mirror
, we have the general explicit expressions
For an element being possibly included in either set or
, the arguments of the variable z must be identical for the equalities to hold for any value of z.
Concerning , the comparison between the lines (28
) and (29
) shows that the only possible solution for the elements
to be in
is two rotations of the same angle ϕ such that
Concerning , the comparison of (28
) with (30
) shows that the pertinent elements
are obtained with
being parallel mirrors such that
with or possibly
for the c-type space groups cm and c2mm and the non-symmorphic ones pg, p2mg, p2gg and p4gm.
Since is a vector of
, we find that:
(i) The rotation is in
if τ is such that
is a vector of
) which is achieved for τ pointing to special positions of the group
(ii) The mirror is in
if τ is such that
is a vector of
requiring thus τ to point along the perpendicular bisector of a mirror of
and thus τ to align along a mirror of
These two conditions lead to non-trivial solutions for τ being located at special positions of .
This shows that the depends on the value of τ according to the different symmetry strata of
: the number of different possible space groups of the bilayer is equal to the number of symmetry strata of the group
Moreover, the type of of the bilayer does not depend on the value of the coincidence angle α: whatever the value of α in that set is, the groups
obtained for rigid-body translations τ with the same coordinates in
are isosymbolic; their actual representations in space are scaled according to the length
and the rotation
3.3. A simple low-symmetry example
We consider two bilayers A and B with coincidence lattices built from structures of symmetry class mx with space groups for A and
for B. In both cases, the
is made of the identity for the intersection group and my (original mx rotated by
because of the inversion) for the exchange set:
with translation group
. This group has three strata expressed in the of
: (0,y), (1/2,y) and (x,y) with little groups, respectively, my, my and 1. The translation
expressed in the of
generates the group
for the structure A and
for structure B, both of translation group
, and vice versa for the translation
(Fig. 10
![]() | Figure 10 Example of structures of symmetry |
4. Conclusion
To summarize, we find that infinitely many coincidence lattices generically exist down to the rectangle symmetry provided that the ratio ρ of the lengths of the unit-cell vectors is the square root of a rational number: . They are generated by specific coincidence rotations of angle α of the form
where n and m are coprime integers and can be written as
where and
With each coincidence lattice is associated a union lattice
homothetic to and which is the translation group of the of the equivalent translations of the rigid-body translation τ. Both coincidence and union lattices share at least the symmetry class of the original layer. For square and hexagonal systems, the three lattices
, Λ and
are two-by-two homothetic in the linear ratio
The complete set of possible coincidence lattices characterized by the rotation angle α and the unit-cell size Σ of the corresponding coincidence lattice form a diagram in one-to-one correspondence with the so-called set of points visible from the origin and can be analyzed using Farey sequences. They are distributed on branches, each characterized by a geometric invariant relating the sinus of the rotation angle to the square root of the unit-cell size.
In the case where a coincidence lattice exists, the τ between the two layers. There are as many different symbolic names of space groups as there are strata in the group of the equivalent translations τ to a given one. These symbolic names do not depend on the value of the rotation α.
Because the group has
as translation the unit-cell size of which tends to zero for rotations tending to zero, the rigid-body translation τ becomes a non-pertinent parameter – analogous to a phason field in quasicrystals – for twisted bilayers with very small rotation.
A subsequent work will discuss the case of general bilayers where is a
module of rank 4 in connection with the notion of 0-lattice which is independent of the possible existence of a coincidence lattice.
The specific example of graphene bilayers
Graphene has a 2D periodic structure of group with a carbon atom at special position 2b 3m (1/3,2/3). It is described in the complex plane
by the primitive hexagonal lattice Λ (
) defined by
with a carbon atom at position z1 = (1+2j)/3 [and equivalently z2 = (2+j)/3] as shown in Fig. 11(a). [It turns out that the commonly used notation in the physics community of graphene is to take the hexagonal reference frame with the acute angle
instead of the crystallographic definition that uses the angle
. This corresponds to choosing
as reference frame instead of (1,j). Noting thus that a node z can be equivalently written as
we obtain n = N+M and m = N and thus
.] The unit-cell parameter equal to a = 0.2456 nm is chosen here as the unit length.
![]() | Figure 11 (a) Graphene is a 2D structure made of a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms (in black on the picture). The standard primitive hexagonal lattice is generated by the pair |
The mm are generated by the rotation of located at the origin and transforming (the six hexagonal rotations are
) z into
and the mirror along x transforming z into
. The orbit Gz of a generic point z has thus 12 elements per
A1. Graphene bilayers with coincidence lattices
Twisted graphene bilayers are certainly among the most studied materials in the world [see, for instance, the recent review by Geim (2009)], often created, for example, in epitaxial graphene growth on the C-terminated face of Si–C (see Campanera et al., 2007
; Hass et al., 2008
; Varchon et al., 2008
; Bistritzer & MacDonald, 2011
). These twisted bilayers are the superimposition of two single graphene sheets slightly twisted with respect to each other by a small angle α of a few degrees or less. It was seen a couple of years ago that these twisted graphene bilayers have remarkable electronic structures (see Trambly de Laissardière et al., 2010
). As already mentioned, from the geometric point of view discussed here, the two graphene sheets are considered as infinitely thin and located on the same plane.
Twist rotations of angle α leading to coincidence lattices are infinitely many (see Feuerbacher, 2021). They are characterized by the rotations α that superpose a representative of a given orbit of nodes z = n+jm on top of another point of the same orbit Gz. As previously mentioned, because of the high symmetry of the hexagonal system, it is enough to examine the rotation
around the origin that transforms the lattice point
as shown in Fig. 11
, where n and m are positive coprime integers with
where and
, as application of equation (7
) to the hexagonal system.
A2. Hexagonal and rectangular coordinates
The connection between the rectangular c-type lattice with reference frame with coordinates
both integers or both half-integers and the hexagonal lattice reference frame
both integers is given by
It is easily verified that σ is an integer for both and
being half-integers,
and that
{The relation , found for the rectangular system, is based on
and leads to
– and thus
as expected – when
is not a multiple of 3, but to
and thus
which seems contradictory to the present result. In fact, because
, the sum
is a multiple of 3 and the actual coincidence reduces to
, which is indeed three times smaller.}
A3. Coincidence and union lattices
The unit vectors of are T1 = n+jm and T2 = jT1 =
; because of relation (33
), this translates into
and since T2 = jT1:
The coincidence lattice is an hexagonal lattice deduced from the original lattice Λ of the layer by a rotation of δ with unit-cell parameter
. The calculation of the union lattice
leads to the same expression as in equation (10
which is the original hexagonal lattice rotated by δ with a unit-cell parameter linearly shrunk by .
A4. The coincidence pattern ![[{\cal P}]](teximages/nv5002fi170.svg)
The coincidence pattern is shown in Fig. 12, generated by one unique representative out of the 12 equivalents of the rotation, with the corresponding Σ plotted on a logarithmic scale. As already discussed in Section 2.3
, the coincidence points are distributed on branches converging asymptotically to specific rotation values when
. Putting
from equation (14
), we obtain
with . The basic invariance relations (13
) for each branch are in hexagonal coordinates:
where Cte stands for a constant value. Here, again, the optimal branches are those where for running
drawn in cyan and red in Fig. 12
. Of greatest importance are the optimal branches associated with the nodes of the initial Farey sequence
since they cover the entire angular definition domain of
generating the smallest Σ values. We find
The same δ angle is found between the two branches for with
. Indeed, since then nk,1 =
we see that nk,1+mk,1 =
and, of course,
are both multiples of 3, leading to a three times smaller. This shows that the asymptotic branch
is the optimal solution leading to the smallest unit cells:
![]() | Figure 12 The rotations of coincidence |
A5. Symmetry groups of twisted graphene bilayers
Our last task is to analyze the overall symmetry of the graphene twisted bilayers with coincidence lattices. The group is easily found as
of translation group
whatever the value of the coincidence angle δ in
. The group p6mm contains six symmetry strata listed in Table 3
. There are thus only six different possible space groups for the bilayer according to the coordinates of τ expressed in units of the union lattice
as shown in Table 3
and exemplified in Fig. 13
![]() | Figure 13 Example of a graphene bilayer with twist rotation (n,m) = (3,1), |
The case of very small rotations deserves some attention. Rotations decreasing to zero are associated with coincidence lattices with larger and larger unit cells and therefore to shorter unit cells for the union lattices. As noticed in the body of the text, this leads to rigid-body translations tending to zero and therefore losing any physical pertinence. Small rotations can indeed be locally described as translations between the two almost-parallel layers, as shown in Fig. 14(a). The at
is the group of the p6mm, scaled by
and rotated by δ: the bilayer has exactly the same symmetry properties as the initial graphene but magnified to mesoscopic scales. It can be roughly described as an hexagonal tiling made of three main microscopic high-symmetry structures occurring at each special point of the large hexagonal coincidence unit. In that renormalization-like view, the centers of the initial hexagons are replaced by the structure of 6mm, usually designated as AA, that is the graphene itself, the carbon atoms by the structure of 3m, called AB(BA), as in the and the binding between carbon atoms, designated as SP, by the structure 2mm shown in Fig. 14
(b) of c2m with cell parameters
and two carbon atoms at positions (0,1/3) and (1/2,1/3). These three basic high-symmetry structures, 6mm, 3m and 2mm, correspond to the first three special positions of dimension 0 as shown in Table 3
and Fig. 13
. This exhausts all the symmetry possibilities: there are no other kinds of structures, for any
and any (here, meaningless) values of τ.
![]() | Figure 14 (a) Small rotations |
Heterophase bilayers with coincidence lattices
B1. Homogeneous dilatation–rotation coincidence lattices for heterophase bilayers
Heterophase bilayers are formed by two layers of different structures; they show very similar geometrical properties to the homophase bilayers. However, our present context of using complex numbers allows us to treat here only those heterophase bilayers where the lattices Λ and of the layers can be deduced from each other by a dilatation–rotation, i.e. when
Here, is the dilatation coefficient and α the rotation from Λ to
. This kind of transformation is the general case when the lattices belong both to either the square or the hexagonal systems as examplified in Fig. 15
![]() | Figure 15 Example of a bilayer made of two square lattices related by a dilatation–rotation operation inducing a coincidence lattice: here the node (2,1) of Λ (in red) is superimposed on the node (3,1) of |
We choose here to discuss heterophase bilayers in the square system for simplicity.
Let Λ and be the two square lattices of lattice parameters a = 1 for Λ and
A coincidence lattice exists if two pairs of integers (n,m) and
exist with
such that
in which case the coincidence lattice is {T1 = n+im, expressed on the of Λ or equivalently
expressed on the of
. Explicitly
or by putting ,
, we obtain
Therefore, two square lattices (it can be easily verified that the same property applies for the case of hexagonal lattices) of different sizes can share a coincidence lattice only if the ratio of the unit-cell lengths is the square root of a rational number in which case the area of the coincidence is simultaneously an integer multiple Σ of the area of the of the first lattice and another integer multiple,
, of the of the second lattice in the ratio of the rational number
Let ϕ and be the rotation angles between the of the coincidence lattice
and those of, respectively, Λ and
(see Fig. 15
); we have
and therefore
Also, because :
which is consistent with the expression of α given by relation (38).
The union lattice is given by
It is easily checked that, in the homophase case, where ,
, this relation simplifies to (10
Fig. 15 gives a simple example of a rotation–dilatation transformation between two square lattices
where the node (n,m) = (2,1) of Λ (in red) superimposes on the node
(in blue) by a rotation α and a dilatation
. Here
. Thus, we find
. We have
Homophase bilayer under mechanical deformation
The two layers can in general be of two different structures of space groups and
with lattices, respectively, Λ and
. We still designate by
the transformation from Λ to
as exemplified in Fig. 16. For simplicity, we treat here the case of the initial lattice Λ belonging to the square system.
![]() | Figure 16 The square lattice in blue is transformed into the lattice in red after a rotation |
C1. Pure shear deformation
Here results from a pure shear deformation of the square lattice Λ of parameter a = 1 in the direction of angle α with the x axis of Λ and of intensity η:
with the shear direction .
If we choose: (i) the angle α among those generating a coincidence lattice,
as discussed in the body of this article, using , and
(ii) the shear intensity η rational with respect to the square lattice parameter
then the transformation is written as a matrix with rational coefficients,
which generates a coincidence lattice defined by the unit vectors
where .
Special thanks are due to Guy Trambly de Laissardière, Vincent Renard, Florie Mesple, Hakim Amara, Bertrand Toudic, Sylvie Lartigues-Korinek and Olivier Hardouin Duparc for very helpful discussions during the writing of the present paper. The very impressive and careful proofreading by one of the referees and their many suggestions were essential for improving the quality of the paper.
Funding information
Funding for this research was provided by: Agence Nationale de la Recherche (project ANR FLATMOI 21-CE30-0029-04G).
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