issue contents
February 2001 issue

Cover illustration: The structure of Pu31Pt20 [D. T. Cromer & A. C. Larson (1977). Acta Cryst. B33, 2620-2627] viewed nearly perpendicular to a Pu, Pt disc (10 Å thick and 50 Å in diameter) down [111]. Details of the structure were taken from the intermetallics crystal structure database CRYSTMET® using the Materials ToolKit graphics software from Toth Information Systems, Inc.
topical reviews
The fascinating three-dimensional architectures of metal phosphates and related materials are shown to be formed by a progressive building-up process, starting from low-dimensional structures. Accordingly, the zero- and one-dimensional structures act as synthons in the formation of these structures.
research papers
The crystal structure of Nd10W22O81 has been determined, using a combination of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and X-ray powder diffraction methods. Nd10W22O81 is a new type of pentagonal column (PC) structure.
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The structure of the monoclinic high-pressure phase δ-ZrMo2O8 has been solved by direct methods and refined using high-pressure synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data. Rietveld refinements of the α- and δ-phase from 0.2 to 1.9 GPa have been performed.
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The kinetic behaviour of nitric acid dihydrate, HNO3·2H2O, proves its possible crystallization. From a single crystal the molecular and crystal structures have been determined, revealing a two-dimensional hydrogen-bond network, and molecular arrangement intermediate between those of the monohydrate and the trihydrate of nitric acid.
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The crystal structure of manganese diacetate tetrahydrate has been determined by single-crystal neutron diffraction. A quantum model is proposed to account for the observed proton density distributions and the rotational dynamics of methyl groups observed by inelastic neutron scattering.
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The crystal structures and absolute configurations of three cis-β1 and three cis-β2 isomers of [Co(trien)(L-aminoacidato)]2+ are reported, as are their crystallization behavior and packing features.
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The title compounds represent a new group of fungicides characterized by substantial photodynamic activity. Their conformation is controlled by stereoelectronic interactions which help to reduce the large electron-withdrawing capacity of the sulfonyl group. Additionally, strong intramolecular resonance-assisted hydrogen bonds between the sulfonyl and α-phenylhydrazono groups exist in two of the compounds investigated. The strength of these bonds and the stereoelectronic back-donation are mutually related.
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The structures of five members of a new class of compounds have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Comparison of the measured bond lengths with their quantum chemically calculated counterparts might lead to erroneous conclusions if correlation energy is omitted from the calculations.
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To elucidate the structural features caused by C-amidation of amino acids, the crystal structures of HCl salts of C-amidated Ile, Val, Thr, Ser, Met, Trp, Gln and Arg have been analysed and compared with those of the corresponding amino acids. The Cα—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, intermolecular carbonyl–carbonyl interactions and the interaction patterns with Cl ions could be considered as structural features which differentiate both molecules from each other.
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The crystal structures of two tetrathiabenzoquinone derivatives were found to form characteristic one-dimensional molecular columns and two-dimensional or quasi two-dimensional molecular sheets.
A program to detect molecular symmetry in selected crystal structures from the Cambridge Structural Database is reported, plus an implementation of the display of symmetry elements.
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Organic salts formed between ethane-1,2-diphosphonic acid and the diamines piperazine and 4,4′-trimethylenedipiperidine are both characterized by richly complex intermolecular hydrogen bonding, giving two different three-dimensional framework structures.
short communications
Database study on the competitive effects involving the carboxyl group. A correlation between the success in competition and the average hydrogen-bond distance is established.
international union of crystallography

book reviews