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Figure 4
(a) C—Se⋯O chalcogen bonding in 1,3-bis­(benzimidazolium­yl)benzene-based chalcogen-bonding catalysts (Steinke et al., 2023BB159). (b) C—Se⋯N and C—Se⋯O chalcogen bonding in ebselen analogues, shown with critical points in electron density (Xu et al., 2023BB199). (c) N—Ch⋯N and N—Ch⋯O chalcogen bonding in 3,4-di­cyano-1,2,5-chalcogeno­diazole cocrystals studied by solid-state NMR spectroscopy (Nag et al., 2022BB121). All figures are reproduced from the cited references with permission.

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ISSN: 2053-2296
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