research communications
N,N′-Bis(pyridin-3-ylmethyl)ethanediamide monohydrate: Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study
aResearch Centre for Crystalline Materials, School of Science and Technology, Sunway University, 47500 Bandar Sunway, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
*Correspondence e-mail: edwardt@sunway.edu.my
The molecular structure of the title bis-pyridyl substituted diamide hydrate, C14H14N4O2·H2O, features a central C2N2O2 residue (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0205 Å) linked at each end to 3-pyridyl rings through methylene groups. The pyridyl rings lie to the same side of the plane, i.e. have a syn-periplanar relationship, and form dihedral angles of 59.71 (6) and 68.42 (6)° with the central plane. An almost orthogonal relationship between the pyridyl rings is indicated by the dihedral angle between them [87.86 (5)°]. Owing to an anti disposition between the carbonyl-O atoms in the core, two intramolecular amide-N—H⋯O(carbonyl) hydrogen bonds are formed, each closing an S(5) loop. Supramolecular tapes are formed in the crystal via amide-N—H⋯O(carbonyl) hydrogen bonds and ten-membered {⋯HNC2O}2 synthons. Two symmetry-related tapes are linked by a helical chain of hydrogen-bonded water molecules via water-O—H⋯N(pyridyl) hydrogen bonds. The resulting aggregate is parallel to the b-axis direction. Links between these, via methylene-C—H⋯O(water) and methylene-C—H⋯π(pyridyl) interactions, give rise to a layer parallel to (10); the layers stack without directional interactions between them. The analysis of the Hirshfeld surfaces point to the importance of the specified hydrogen-bonding interactions, and to the significant influence of the water molecule of crystallization upon the molecular packing. The analysis also indicates the contribution of methylene-C—H⋯O(carbonyl) and pyridyl-C—H⋯C(carbonyl) contacts to the stability of the inter-layer region. The calculated interaction energies are consistent with importance of significant electrostatic attractions in the crystal.
Keywords: crystal structure; diamide; hydrogen bonding; Hirshfeld surface analysis; computational chemistry.
CCDC reference: 1969282
1. Chemical context
Having both amide and pyridyl functionality, bis(pyridin-n-ylmethyl)ethanediamide molecules of the general formula n-NC5H4CH2N(H)C(=O)C(=O)CH2C5H4N-n, for n = 2, 3 and 4, hereafter nLH2, are attractive coformers via conventional hydrogen bonding. In the same way, complexation to metals may also be envisaged. It is therefore not surprising that there is now a wealth of structural information for these molecules occurring in co-crystals, salts and metal complexes, as has been reviewed recently (Tiekink, 2017). Complementing hydrogen-bonding interactions, the nLH2 molecules, for n = 3 (Hursthouse et al., 2003
; Goroff et al., 2005
; Jin et al., 2013
) and n = 4 (Goroff et al., 2005
; Wilhelm et al., 2008
; Tan & Tiekink, 2019c
), are well-known to form N⋯I halogen-bonding interactions and, indeed, some of the earliest studies were at the forefront of pioneering systematic investigations of halogen bonding. It was during the course of on-going studies into formation (Tan, Halcovitch et al., 2019
; Tan & Tiekink, 2019a
) and complexation to zinc(II) 1,1-dithiolates (Arman et al., 2018
; Tiekink, 2018
; Tan, Chun et al., 2019
), that the title compound, 3LH2·H2O, (I)
, was isolated. Herein, the crystal and molecular structures of (I)
are described along with a detailed analysis of the molecular packing by means of an analysis of the calculated Hirshfeld surfaces, two-dimensional fingerprint plots and the calculation of energies of interaction.
2. Structural commentary
The molecular structures of the two constituents comprising the crystallographic are shown in Fig. 1
. The 3LH2 molecule lacks and comprises a central C2N2O2 residue connected at either side to two 3-pyridyl residues via methylene links. The six atoms of the central residue are almost co-planar as seen in their r.m.s. deviation of 0.0205 Å: the maximum deviations above and below the plane are 0.0291 (9) Å for N3 and 0.0321 (11) Å for C8. The N1- and N3-pyridyl rings form dihedral angles of 59.71 (6) and 68.42 (6)°, respectively, with the central plane and lie to the same side of the plane, having a syn-periplanar relationship. The dihedral angle formed between the pyridyl rings is 87.86 (5)°, indicating an almost edge-to-face relationship. The carbonyl-O atoms have an anti disposition enabling the formation of intramolecular amide-N—H⋯O(carbonyl) hydrogen bonds that close S(5) loops, Table 1
![]() | Figure 1 The molecular structure of the constituents of (I) ![]() |
3. Supramolecular features
Significant conventional hydrogen bonding is noted in the crystal of (I) with the geometric parameters characterizing these included in Table 1
. The most striking feature of the supramolecular association is the formation of tapes via amide-N—H⋯O(carbonyl) hydrogen bonds leading to a sequence of inter-connected ten-membered {⋯HNC2O}2 synthons. Two such tapes are connected by hydrogen bonds provided by the water molecule of crystallization. Thus, alternating water molecules in helical chains of hydrogen-bonded water molecules, being aligned along the b-axis direction and propagated by 21 symmetry, connect to 3LH2 via water-O—H⋯N(pyridyl) hydrogen bonds to form the one-dimensional aggregate shown in Fig. 2
(a). The presence of methylene-C—H⋯O(water) and methylene-C—H⋯π(pyridyl) contacts stabilizes a layer lying parallel to (10
). The layers stack without directional interactions between them, Fig. 2
![]() | Figure 2 Molecular packing in the crystal of (I) ![]() |
4. Hirshfeld surface analysis
The calculations of the Hirshfeld surfaces and two-dimensional fingerprint plots were performed on the crystallographic , using Crystal Explorer 17 (Turner et al., 2017
) and based on the procedures as described previously (Tan, Jotani et al., 2019
). The analysis identified a number of red spots on the dnorm surface of 3LH2 with varying degrees of intensity indicating the presence of interactions with contact distances shorter than the sum of the respective van der Waals radii (Spackman & Jayatilaka, 2009
). Referring to the images of Fig. 3
, the most intense red spots stem from the amide-N—H⋯O(carbonyl) and water-O—H⋯N(pyridyl) hydrogen bonds, Table 1
. Some additional contacts are detected through the Hirshfeld surface analysis for C1—H1⋯O1W, C5–H5⋯N4, C12—H12⋯C7, C6–H6A⋯O2 and C7⋯O1 interactions with the red spots ranging from moderately to weakly intense. The data in Table 2
provide a succinct summary of interatomic contacts revealed in the above analysis; the O2⋯H6A and C7⋯H12 contacts occur in the inter-layer region.
![]() | Figure 3 The dnorm mapping of the Hirshfeld surface for 3LH2 in (I) ![]() |
To verify the nature of the aforementioned interactions, the 3LH2 molecule in (I) was subjected to electrostatic potential mapping. The results show that almost all of the interactions identified through the dnorm mapping are electrostatic in nature as can be seen from the distinctive blue (electropositive) and red (electronegative) regions on the surface, albeit with varying intensity, Fig. 4
. A notable exception is found for the methylene-C—H⋯π(pyridyl) interaction which is manifested in the pale regions in Fig. 4
(a) and (b). This indicates no charge complementarity consistent with the interaction beings mainly dispersive in nature.
![]() | Figure 4 The electrostatic potential mapped onto the Hirshfeld surface within the isosurface value of −0.0964 to 0.1012 atomic units for 3LH2 in (I) ![]() |
The quantification of the close contacts to the Hirshfeld surface was performed through the analysis of the two-dimensional fingerprint plots for (I) as well as for the individual molecular components. As shown in Fig. 5
(a), the overall fingerprint plot of (I)
exhibits a bug-like profile with a pair of symmetric spikes. This is in contrast to the asymmetric profile of 3LH2, with splitting of the spike in the internal region due to the formation of the O—H⋯N hydrogen bond, Fig. 5
(e), suggesting a prominent role played by the water molecule in influencing the overall contacts in (I)
. The observation is very different to that of the benzene solvate of 4LH2 in which the overall surface contacts for 4LH2 are not very much influenced by the benzene molecule as demonstrated by the similar profiles for the solvate and individual 4LH2 molecule (Tan, Halcovitch et al., 2019
). The decomposition of the overall profile of (I)
shows that the most significant contacts are primarily H⋯H contacts (43.5%), followed by O⋯H/H⋯O (21.1%), C⋯H/H⋯C (19.6%) and N⋯H/H⋯N (9.8%) contacts, with all of these interactions having di + de distances less than the respective sums of van der Waals radii (vdW), i.e. H⋯H ∼2.26 Å [Σ(vdW) = 2.40 Å], O⋯H/H⋯O ∼1.88 Å [Σ(vdW) = 2.72 Å], C⋯H/H⋯C ∼2.62 Å [Σ(vdW) = 2.90 Å] and N⋯H/H⋯N ∼2.50 Å [Σ(vdW) = 2.75 Å].
![]() | Figure 5 (a) The overall two-dimensional fingerprint plots for (I) ![]() |
As for the individual 3LH2 molecule, the dominance of these contacts follows the order H⋯H (41.1%; di + de 2.33 Å), C⋯H/H⋯C (21.2%; di + de 2.60 Å), O⋯H/H⋯O (17.9%; di + de 1.88 Å) and N⋯H/H⋯N (13.5%; di + de 1.80 Å). While the aforementioned interactions are almost evenly distributed between the internal and external contacts for (I), some contacts for 3LH2 are found to either to be inclined towards the internal or external contact region compared with (I)
, such as that displayed by (internal)-O⋯H-(external) (8.4%) versus (internal)-H⋯O-(external) (9.5%) and (internal)-N⋯H-(external) (8.8%) versus (internal)-H⋯N-(external) (4.6%), respectively, Fig. 5
The hydrate molecule exhibits a completely different fingerprint profile, which is dominated by three major contacts, namely H⋯H (46.9%; di + de 2.26 Å), O⋯H/H⋯O (39.4%; di + de 1.88 Å) and H⋯N (13.7%; di + de 1.80 Å). In particular, the second most dominant contacts are found to be heavily inclined toward (internal)-O⋯H-(external) (30.5%) as compared to (internal)-H⋯O-(external) (8.9%), presumably due to relatively large contact surface area.
5. Computational chemistry
All associations between molecules in (I), as described in Hirshfeld surface analysis, were subjected to the calculation of the interaction energy using Crystal Explorer 17 (Turner et al., 2017
) based on the method described previously (Tan, Jotani et al., 2019
) to evaluate the strength of each interaction, Table 3
. Among those close contacts, the (3LH2)2 dimer connected by a ten-membered {⋯HNC2O}2 synthon has the greatest Eint energy of −73.0 kJ mol−1 which is comparable in energy to the classical eight-membered {⋯HOCO}2 synthon (Tan & Tiekink, 2019a
). Perhaps unexpectedly, the C12–H12⋯C7 contact which also sustains a pair of 3LH2 molecules constitutes the second strongest interaction with Eint = −32.7 kJ mol−1, and this is followed by the C6—H6A⋯O2 (−32.0 kJ mol−1), O1W—H1W⋯N1 (−28.6 kJ mol−1), O1W—H2W⋯O1W (−26.2 kJ mol−1), C7⋯O1 (−20.7 kJ mol−1), C5—H5⋯N4 (−13.0 kJ mol−1) and C1—H1⋯O1W (−10.5 kJ mol−1) interactions. As expected, the N2—H2N⋯O1, N3—H3N⋯O2, O1W—H1W⋯N1 and O1W—H2W⋯O1W interactions are associated with distinct electropositive and electronegative sites and therefore, are mainly governed by electrostatic forces, while the rest of the close contacts are dispersive in nature. The relatively stable nature of the C12—H12⋯C7 and C6—H6A⋯O2 interactions as compared to the O1W—H1W⋯N1 and O1W—H2W⋯O1W interactions could be due to the presence of low repulsion energies in the former as compared to the latter.
The crystal of (I) is mainly sustained by electrostatic forces owing to the strong N2—H2N⋯O1/ N3—H3N⋯O2, O1W—H1W⋯N1 and O1W—H2W⋯O1W hydrogen bonding leading to a barricade-like electrostatic energy framework parallel to (
01), as shown in Fig. 6
(a). This is further stabilized by the dispersion forces arising from other supporting interactions which result in another barricade-like dispersion energy framework parallel to (100), Fig. 6
(b). The overall energy framework for (I)
is shown in Fig. 6
![]() | Figure 6 Perspective views of the energy framework of (I) ![]() |
A comparison of the distribution of contacts on the Hirshfeld surfaces between the 3LH2 molecule in (I) and in its two polymorphic forms, i.e. Form I and Form II (Jotani et al., 2016
), with latter having two independent molecules, was performed. This analysis returned the data shown in Table 4
and indicates that 3LH2 in (I)
is relatively closer to Form I as compared to the independent molecules comprising Form II.
This conclusion is consistent with the analysis of the packing similarity in which a comparison of (I) and Form I exhibits an r.m.s. deviation of 0.895 Å while a comparison with Form II exhibits an r.m.s. deviation of 1.581 Å, despite only one out of 20 molecules displaying some similarity with the reference 3LH2 molecule in (I)
, Fig. 7
. The packing analysis was performed using Mercury (Macrae et al., 2006
), with the analysis criteria being set that only molecules within the 20% tolerance for both distances and angles were included in the calculation while molecules with a variation >20% were discarded, and that molecular inversions were allowed during calculation. It is therefore also apparent through this analysis that the water molecules in (I)
play a crucial role in influencing the packing of 3LH2 in (I)
![]() | Figure 7 A comparison of the molecular packing of 3LH2: (a) (I) ![]() ![]() |
6. Database survey
The 3LH2 molecule has been characterized in two polymorphs (Jotani et al., 2016) and in a number of (neutral) co-crystals. A characteristic of these structures is a long central C—C bond and conformational flexibility in terms of the relative disposition of the 3-pyridyl substituents with respect to the central C2N2O2 chromophore (Tiekink, 2017
). Indeed, the relatively long length of the central C—C bonds often attracts a level C alert in PLATON (Spek, 2009
). Of the data included in Table 5
[for the chemical diagrams of (II) and (III), see Scheme 2
], the shorter of the C—C bonds is 1.515 (3) Å, found in the of 3LH2 with HO2CCH2N(H)C(=O)N(H)CH2CO2H (Nguyen et al., 2001
) and the longest bond of 1.550 (17) Å is found in the of 3LH2 with (III) (Jin et al., 2013
). In terms of conformational flexibility, the two polymorphs of 3LH2 highlight this characteristic of these molecules (Jotani et al., 2016
). In Form I, the pyridyl rings lie to the same side of the central C2N2O2 and therefore, have a syn-periplanar relationship, or, more simply, a U-shape. In Form II, comprising two independent molecules, each is disposed about a centre of inversion so the relationship is anti-periplanar, or S-shaped. DFT calculations revealed that the difference in energy between the two conformations is less than 1 kcal−1 (Jotani et al., 2016
). Despite this result, most of the 3LH2 molecules are centrosymmetric, S-shaped. For the U-shaped molecules, the dihedral angles between the central plane and pyridyl rings range from 59.71 (6) to 84.61 (9)°. The comparable range for the S-shaped molecules, for which both dihedral angles are identical from symmetry, is 64.2 (3) to 84.79 (18)°.
7. Synthesis and crystallization
The precursor, N,N′-bis(pyridin-3-ylmethyl)oxalamide, was prepared according to the literature (Schauer et al., 1997). Crystallization of the precursor in a DMF (1 ml) and ethanol (1 ml) mixture resulted in the isolation of the title hydrate, (I)
; m.p.: 409.4–410.7 K. IR (cm−1): 3578 ν(O—H), 3321 ν(N—H), 3141–2804 ν(C—H), 1687–1649 ν(C=O), 1524–1482 ν(C=C), 1426 ν(C—N), 710 ν(C=C).
8. Refinement
Crystal data, data collection and structure . The carbon-bound H atoms were placed in calculated positions (C—H = 0.95–0.99 Å) and were included in the in the riding-model approximation, with Uiso(H) set to 1.2–1.5Ueq(C). The oxygen- and nitrogen-bound H atoms were located in a difference-Fourier map and refined with O—H = 0.84±0.01 Å and N—H = 0.88±0.01 Å, respectively, and with Uiso(H) set to 1.5Ueq(O) or 1.2Ueq(N). Owing to poor agreement, one reflection, i.e. (551), was omitted from the final cycles of refinement.
Supporting information
CCDC reference: 1969282
contains datablocks I, global. DOI:Structure factors: contains datablock I. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1107/S2056989019016153/hb7869Isup2.hkl
Supporting information file. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1107/S2056989019016153/hb7869Isup3.cml
Data collection: CrysAlis PRO (Rigaku OD, 2018); cell
CrysAlis PRO (Rigaku OD, 2018); data reduction: CrysAlis PRO (Rigaku OD, 2018); program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS (Sheldrick, 2015a); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL2017 (Sheldrick, 2015b); molecular graphics: ORTEP-3 for Windows (Farrugia, 2012) and DIAMOND (Brandenburg, 2006); software used to prepare material for publication: publCIF (Westrip, 2010).C14H14N4O2·H2O | F(000) = 608 |
Mr = 288.31 | Dx = 1.373 Mg m−3 |
Monoclinic, P21/n | Cu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54184 Å |
a = 12.4784 (4) Å | Cell parameters from 5162 reflections |
b = 5.0247 (1) Å | θ = 4.0–75.9° |
c = 22.2410 (6) Å | µ = 0.82 mm−1 |
β = 90.170 (3)° | T = 100 K |
V = 1394.51 (6) Å3 | Prism, colourless |
Z = 4 | 0.09 × 0.07 × 0.03 mm |
XtaLAB Synergy Dualflex AtlasS2 diffractometer | 2441 reflections with I > 2σ(I) |
Detector resolution: 5.2558 pixels mm-1 | Rint = 0.053 |
ω scans | θmax = 76.7°, θmin = 4.0° |
Absorption correction: gaussian (Crysalis PRO; Rigaku OD, 2018) | h = −14→15 |
Tmin = 0.921, Tmax = 1.000 | k = −6→6 |
16961 measured reflections | l = −27→28 |
2871 independent reflections |
Refinement on F2 | Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods |
Least-squares matrix: full | Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier map |
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.043 | Hydrogen site location: mixed |
wR(F2) = 0.116 | H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement |
S = 1.04 | w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0553P)2 + 0.7659P] where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3 |
2871 reflections | (Δ/σ)max < 0.001 |
202 parameters | Δρmax = 0.30 e Å−3 |
0 restraints | Δρmin = −0.24 e Å−3 |
Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes. |
x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | ||
O1 | 0.39488 (9) | −0.1106 (2) | 0.53440 (5) | 0.0211 (3) | |
O2 | 0.28502 (10) | 0.4170 (2) | 0.45056 (5) | 0.0245 (3) | |
N1 | 0.51280 (11) | 0.8092 (3) | 0.72982 (6) | 0.0230 (3) | |
N2 | 0.40224 (11) | 0.3337 (3) | 0.55256 (6) | 0.0178 (3) | |
H2N | 0.3890 (16) | 0.486 (4) | 0.5378 (9) | 0.021* | |
N3 | 0.26914 (11) | −0.0297 (3) | 0.43753 (6) | 0.0176 (3) | |
H3N | 0.2848 (16) | −0.182 (4) | 0.4529 (8) | 0.021* | |
N4 | −0.08573 (13) | 0.1419 (4) | 0.36223 (9) | 0.0434 (5) | |
C1 | 0.52700 (13) | 0.6284 (3) | 0.68624 (7) | 0.0205 (3) | |
H1 | 0.598157 | 0.573079 | 0.677719 | 0.025* | |
C2 | 0.44417 (12) | 0.5164 (3) | 0.65271 (7) | 0.0176 (3) | |
C3 | 0.34062 (13) | 0.6008 (3) | 0.66496 (7) | 0.0202 (3) | |
H3 | 0.281622 | 0.530908 | 0.642955 | 0.024* | |
C4 | 0.32438 (13) | 0.7884 (3) | 0.70976 (7) | 0.0224 (3) | |
H4 | 0.254145 | 0.849326 | 0.718705 | 0.027* | |
C5 | 0.41200 (13) | 0.8860 (3) | 0.74135 (7) | 0.0227 (3) | |
H5 | 0.400111 | 1.012319 | 0.772402 | 0.027* | |
C6 | 0.47006 (13) | 0.3104 (3) | 0.60569 (7) | 0.0202 (3) | |
H6A | 0.545984 | 0.329839 | 0.593668 | 0.024* | |
H6B | 0.461045 | 0.130847 | 0.623270 | 0.024* | |
C7 | 0.37291 (12) | 0.1213 (3) | 0.52134 (7) | 0.0163 (3) | |
C8 | 0.30359 (12) | 0.1859 (3) | 0.46578 (7) | 0.0170 (3) | |
C9 | 0.20743 (13) | −0.0186 (3) | 0.38182 (7) | 0.0196 (3) | |
H9A | 0.228818 | −0.169871 | 0.355973 | 0.024* | |
H9B | 0.225732 | 0.147561 | 0.360270 | 0.024* | |
C10 | 0.08770 (13) | −0.0283 (3) | 0.39089 (7) | 0.0199 (3) | |
C11 | 0.02169 (15) | 0.1432 (4) | 0.35990 (9) | 0.0370 (5) | |
H11 | 0.054734 | 0.272529 | 0.334924 | 0.044* | |
C12 | −0.13026 (14) | −0.0379 (4) | 0.39790 (8) | 0.0304 (4) | |
H12 | −0.206194 | −0.042293 | 0.400717 | 0.036* | |
C13 | −0.07261 (17) | −0.2165 (5) | 0.43067 (11) | 0.0486 (6) | |
H13 | −0.107827 | −0.342052 | 0.455703 | 0.058* | |
C14 | 0.03821 (16) | −0.2127 (5) | 0.42700 (10) | 0.0450 (6) | |
H14 | 0.079722 | −0.336857 | 0.449325 | 0.054* | |
O1W | 0.71328 (9) | 0.9787 (2) | 0.77119 (5) | 0.0217 (3) | |
H1W | 0.642 (2) | 0.942 (4) | 0.7593 (9) | 0.033* | |
H2W | 0.7244 (18) | 1.141 (5) | 0.7574 (10) | 0.033* |
U11 | U22 | U33 | U12 | U13 | U23 | |
O1 | 0.0241 (6) | 0.0137 (5) | 0.0254 (6) | 0.0006 (4) | −0.0029 (4) | 0.0011 (4) |
O2 | 0.0323 (7) | 0.0139 (5) | 0.0272 (6) | 0.0018 (5) | −0.0065 (5) | 0.0007 (4) |
N1 | 0.0189 (7) | 0.0242 (7) | 0.0261 (7) | −0.0010 (5) | −0.0026 (5) | −0.0033 (5) |
N2 | 0.0207 (7) | 0.0122 (6) | 0.0206 (6) | 0.0009 (5) | −0.0012 (5) | 0.0013 (5) |
N3 | 0.0192 (7) | 0.0131 (6) | 0.0205 (6) | 0.0005 (5) | −0.0011 (5) | −0.0001 (5) |
N4 | 0.0187 (8) | 0.0514 (11) | 0.0600 (11) | 0.0000 (7) | −0.0009 (7) | 0.0268 (9) |
C1 | 0.0160 (7) | 0.0205 (8) | 0.0248 (8) | 0.0001 (6) | −0.0022 (6) | −0.0008 (6) |
C2 | 0.0178 (7) | 0.0156 (7) | 0.0195 (7) | −0.0013 (6) | −0.0013 (6) | 0.0023 (5) |
C3 | 0.0161 (7) | 0.0219 (8) | 0.0227 (7) | −0.0035 (6) | −0.0016 (6) | 0.0002 (6) |
C4 | 0.0170 (8) | 0.0263 (8) | 0.0239 (7) | −0.0002 (6) | 0.0023 (6) | −0.0018 (6) |
C5 | 0.0213 (8) | 0.0243 (8) | 0.0226 (7) | −0.0008 (6) | −0.0003 (6) | −0.0034 (6) |
C6 | 0.0192 (8) | 0.0175 (7) | 0.0239 (7) | 0.0014 (6) | −0.0037 (6) | −0.0018 (6) |
C7 | 0.0151 (7) | 0.0140 (7) | 0.0198 (7) | −0.0001 (5) | 0.0032 (6) | 0.0010 (5) |
C8 | 0.0168 (7) | 0.0151 (7) | 0.0192 (7) | 0.0013 (6) | 0.0028 (6) | 0.0003 (5) |
C9 | 0.0195 (8) | 0.0196 (7) | 0.0197 (7) | −0.0003 (6) | −0.0004 (6) | −0.0012 (6) |
C10 | 0.0206 (8) | 0.0193 (7) | 0.0198 (7) | −0.0013 (6) | 0.0000 (6) | −0.0023 (6) |
C11 | 0.0198 (9) | 0.0432 (11) | 0.0481 (11) | −0.0018 (8) | −0.0005 (8) | 0.0262 (9) |
C12 | 0.0187 (8) | 0.0370 (10) | 0.0355 (9) | −0.0035 (7) | 0.0031 (7) | 0.0028 (8) |
C13 | 0.0268 (10) | 0.0584 (14) | 0.0605 (14) | −0.0057 (10) | 0.0068 (9) | 0.0343 (12) |
C14 | 0.0241 (10) | 0.0509 (13) | 0.0601 (13) | 0.0014 (9) | −0.0001 (9) | 0.0345 (11) |
O1W | 0.0186 (6) | 0.0205 (6) | 0.0261 (6) | −0.0009 (5) | −0.0027 (4) | 0.0012 (5) |
O1—C7 | 1.2313 (18) | C4—H4 | 0.9500 |
O2—C8 | 1.2314 (18) | C5—H5 | 0.9500 |
N1—C5 | 1.341 (2) | C6—H6A | 0.9900 |
N1—C1 | 1.341 (2) | C6—H6B | 0.9900 |
N2—C7 | 1.3244 (19) | C7—C8 | 1.541 (2) |
N2—C6 | 1.456 (2) | C9—C10 | 1.509 (2) |
N2—H2N | 0.85 (2) | C9—H9A | 0.9900 |
N3—C8 | 1.323 (2) | C9—H9B | 0.9900 |
N3—C9 | 1.4579 (19) | C10—C14 | 1.374 (2) |
N3—H3N | 0.86 (2) | C10—C11 | 1.376 (2) |
N4—C12 | 1.326 (2) | C11—H11 | 0.9500 |
N4—C11 | 1.342 (2) | C12—C13 | 1.361 (3) |
C1—C2 | 1.392 (2) | C12—H12 | 0.9500 |
C1—H1 | 0.9500 | C13—C14 | 1.386 (3) |
C2—C3 | 1.388 (2) | C13—H13 | 0.9500 |
C2—C6 | 1.507 (2) | C14—H14 | 0.9500 |
C3—C4 | 1.387 (2) | O1W—H1W | 0.95 (2) |
C3—H3 | 0.9500 | O1W—H2W | 0.88 (2) |
C4—C5 | 1.387 (2) | ||
C5—N1—C1 | 117.34 (14) | O1—C7—N2 | 125.30 (14) |
C7—N2—C6 | 121.32 (13) | O1—C7—C8 | 120.84 (13) |
C7—N2—H2N | 118.1 (13) | N2—C7—C8 | 113.84 (13) |
C6—N2—H2N | 119.8 (13) | O2—C8—N3 | 125.51 (14) |
C8—N3—C9 | 122.84 (13) | O2—C8—C7 | 121.59 (13) |
C8—N3—H3N | 117.8 (13) | N3—C8—C7 | 112.89 (13) |
C9—N3—H3N | 119.4 (13) | N3—C9—C10 | 113.95 (12) |
C12—N4—C11 | 116.55 (16) | N3—C9—H9A | 108.8 |
N1—C1—C2 | 124.18 (15) | C10—C9—H9A | 108.8 |
N1—C1—H1 | 117.9 | N3—C9—H9B | 108.8 |
C2—C1—H1 | 117.9 | C10—C9—H9B | 108.8 |
C3—C2—C1 | 117.51 (14) | H9A—C9—H9B | 107.7 |
C3—C2—C6 | 123.21 (14) | C14—C10—C11 | 116.47 (16) |
C1—C2—C6 | 119.28 (14) | C14—C10—C9 | 123.13 (15) |
C2—C3—C4 | 119.13 (14) | C11—C10—C9 | 120.31 (15) |
C2—C3—H3 | 120.4 | N4—C11—C10 | 125.07 (17) |
C4—C3—H3 | 120.4 | N4—C11—H11 | 117.5 |
C5—C4—C3 | 119.17 (15) | C10—C11—H11 | 117.5 |
C5—C4—H4 | 120.4 | N4—C12—C13 | 123.24 (17) |
C3—C4—H4 | 120.4 | N4—C12—H12 | 118.4 |
N1—C5—C4 | 122.66 (15) | C13—C12—H12 | 118.4 |
N1—C5—H5 | 118.7 | C12—C13—C14 | 119.05 (18) |
C4—C5—H5 | 118.7 | C12—C13—H13 | 120.5 |
N2—C6—C2 | 112.50 (12) | C14—C13—H13 | 120.5 |
N2—C6—H6A | 109.1 | C10—C14—C13 | 119.61 (18) |
C2—C6—H6A | 109.1 | C10—C14—H14 | 120.2 |
N2—C6—H6B | 109.1 | C13—C14—H14 | 120.2 |
C2—C6—H6B | 109.1 | H1W—O1W—H2W | 103.3 (19) |
H6A—C6—H6B | 107.8 | ||
C5—N1—C1—C2 | −0.1 (2) | O1—C7—C8—O2 | −176.62 (15) |
N1—C1—C2—C3 | 0.8 (2) | N2—C7—C8—O2 | 4.9 (2) |
N1—C1—C2—C6 | −178.75 (14) | O1—C7—C8—N3 | 2.8 (2) |
C1—C2—C3—C4 | −0.5 (2) | N2—C7—C8—N3 | −175.72 (13) |
C6—C2—C3—C4 | 178.98 (14) | C8—N3—C9—C10 | −94.71 (17) |
C2—C3—C4—C5 | −0.3 (2) | N3—C9—C10—C14 | −48.5 (2) |
C1—N1—C5—C4 | −0.8 (2) | N3—C9—C10—C11 | 135.08 (17) |
C3—C4—C5—N1 | 1.0 (3) | C12—N4—C11—C10 | 0.8 (3) |
C7—N2—C6—C2 | −146.60 (14) | C14—C10—C11—N4 | −0.4 (3) |
C3—C2—C6—N2 | 37.4 (2) | C9—C10—C11—N4 | 176.3 (2) |
C1—C2—C6—N2 | −143.09 (14) | C11—N4—C12—C13 | −0.6 (3) |
C6—N2—C7—O1 | 3.0 (2) | N4—C12—C13—C14 | 0.0 (4) |
C6—N2—C7—C8 | −178.56 (13) | C11—C10—C14—C13 | −0.3 (3) |
C9—N3—C8—O2 | 3.0 (2) | C9—C10—C14—C13 | −176.9 (2) |
C9—N3—C8—C7 | −176.35 (12) | C12—C13—C14—C10 | 0.5 (4) |
D—H···A | D—H | H···A | D···A | D—H···A |
N2—H2N···O2 | 0.85 (2) | 2.36 (2) | 2.7279 (18) | 107.0 (16) |
N3—H3N···O1 | 0.86 (2) | 2.299 (19) | 2.6924 (18) | 108.0 (15) |
O1W—H1W···N1 | 0.95 (2) | 1.86 (2) | 2.7958 (18) | 169 (2) |
O1W—H2W···O1Wi | 0.88 (2) | 1.97 (2) | 2.8364 (15) | 166 (2) |
N2—H2N···O1ii | 0.85 (2) | 2.03 (2) | 2.8227 (18) | 155.2 (18) |
N3—H3N···O2iii | 0.86 (2) | 2.02 (2) | 2.8022 (18) | 151.6 (17) |
C9—H9A···O1Wiv | 0.99 | 2.45 | 3.3772 (19) | 156 |
C6—H6B···Cg1iii | 0.99 | 2.74 | 3.7043 (16) | 166 |
Symmetry codes: (i) −x+3/2, y+1/2, −z+3/2; (ii) x, y+1, z; (iii) x, y−1, z; (iv) x−1/2, −y+1/2, z−1/2. |
Contact | Distance | Symmetry operation |
O2···H3N | 1.89 | x, 1 + y, z |
O1···H2N | 1.89 | x, -1 + y, z |
O2···H6A | 2.57 | 1 - x, 1 - y, 1 - z |
N4···H5 | 2.52 | -1/2 + x, 3/2 - y, -1/2 + z |
C7···H12 | 2.64 | -x, -y, 1 - z |
O1W···H1 | 2.55 | 3/2 - x, 1/2 + y, 3/2 - z |
C7···O1 | 3.16 | 1 - x, - y, 1 - z |
N1···H1W | 1.83 | x, y, z |
Notes: (a) The interatomic distances were calculated in Crystal Explorer 17 (Turner et al., 2017) whereby the X—H bond lengths are adjusted to their neutron values. |
Contact | Eele | Epol | Edis | Erep | Etot |
N2—H2N···O1i + | |||||
N3—H3N···O2i | -68.5 | -15.0 | -49.2 | 86.4 | -73.0 |
C12—H12···C7ii | -6.7 | -2.0 | -46.1 | 26.0 | -32.7 |
C6—H6A···O2iii | -12.9 | -2.9 | -28.2 | 13.5 | -32.0 |
O1W—H1W···N1iv | -51.9 | -11.2 | -6.5 | 65.1 | -28.6 |
O1W—H2W···O1Wv | -36.9 | -7.1 | -3.5 | 34.3 | -26.2 |
C7···O1vi | -2.3 | -3.0 | -31.4 | 18.4 | -20.7 |
C5—H5···N4vii | -9.4 | -2.0 | -8.1 | 8.7 | -13.0 |
C1—H1···O1Wviii | -8.1 | -1.3 | -3.9 | 3.9 | -10.5 |
Symmetry operations: (i) x, 1 + y, z; (ii) -x, -y, 1 - z; (iii) 1 - x, 1 - y, 1 - z; (iv) x, y, z; (v) 3/2 - x, 1/2 + y, 3/2 - z; (vi) 1 - x, - y, 1 - z; (vii) 1/2 + x, 3/2 - y, 1/2 + z; (viii) 3/2 - x, -1/2 + y, 3/2 - z. |
Contact | (I) | Form I | Form IIa | Form IIb |
H···H | 41.1 | 44.1 | 35.8 | 36.9 |
C···H/H···C | 21.2 | 16.7 | 31.4 | 22.4 |
O···H/H···O | 17.9 | 15.7 | 14.2 | 19.6 |
N···H/H···N | 13.5 | 16.7 | 18.0 | 19.5 |
C···O/O···C | 2.3 | 2.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
Other | 3.9 | 4.7 | 0.5 | 1.5 |
Compound | Symmetry | Conformation | C—C | C2N2O2/(3-py) | (3-py)/(3-py) | REFCODE | Reference |
Polymorphs | |||||||
Form I | – | U | 1.544 (4) | 74.98 (10), 84.61 (9) | 88.40 (7) | OWOHAL | Jotani et al. (2016) |
Form IIa | 1 | S | 1.5383 (16) | 77.29 (4) | 0 | OWOHAL01 | Jotani et al. (2016) |
1 | S | 1.5460 (16) | 75.93 (3) | 0 | |||
Solvate | |||||||
(I) | – | U | 1.541 (2) | 59.71 (6), 68.42 (6) | 87.86 (5) | – | this work |
Co-crystals of 3LH2 with | |||||||
HO2CCH2N(H)C(═O)N(H)CH2CO2H | 1 | S | 1.515 (3) | 81.41 (7) | 0 | CAJQEK | Nguyen et al. (2001) |
HO2CCH2N(H)C(═O)C(═O)N(H)CH2CO2H | 1 | S | 1.532 (19) | 64.2 (3) | 0 | CAJQAG | Nguyen et al. (2001) |
2-NH2C6H4CO2H | 1 | S | 1.543 (2) | 74.64 (4), 74.64 (4) | 0 | DIDZAT | Arman et al. (2012) |
(II) | 1 | S | 1.533 (3) | 79.50 (6) | 0 | EMACIG | Suzuki et al. (2016) |
C6F4I2 | 1 | S | 1.544 (4) | 70.72 (9) | 0 | IPOSIP | Hursthouse et al. (2003) |
2-HO2CC6H4SSC6H4CO2-2 | – | U | 1.543 (3) | 61.22 (5), 69.43 (5) | 72.12 (8) | KUZSOO | Arman et al. (2010) |
4-NO2C6H4CO2H | 1 | S | 1.530 (2) | 78.20 (4) | 0 | PAGFIP | Syed et al. (2016) |
(III) | 1 | S | 1.550 (17) | 80.5 (4) | 0 | REWVUM | Jin et al. (2013) |
I—C≡C—C≡C—I | 1 | S | 1.542 (10) | 76.6 (2) | 0 | WANNOP | Goroff et al. (2005) |
I—C≡C—C≡C—C≡C—I | 1 | S | 1.548 (11) | 84.7 (2) | 0 | WANPIL | Goroff et al. (2005) |
Br—C≡C—C≡C—Br | 1 | S | 1.530 (9) | 84.79 (18) | 0 | WUQQUW | Jin et al. (2015) |
Funding information
Crystallographic research at Sunway University is supported by Sunway University Sdn Bhd (grant No. STR-RCTR-RCCM-001-2019).
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