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Figure 7
The Hirshfeld surface two-dimensional fingerprint plot (HSFP) signatures for (a) JTSC (Oliveira et al., 2023bBB27), (b) JMTSC (Oliveira et al., 2024BB26), (c) JETSC (this work) and (d) JPTSC (Oliveira et al., 2023aBB25). The major contributions for the crystal cohesion in all structures are the H⋯H inter­molecular inter­actions, which amount to 67.8%, 70.6%, 70.7% and 65.3%, respectively, and are highlighted (coloured). The di (x-axis) and the de (y-axis) values are the closest inter­nal and external distances from given points on the Hirshfeld surface contacts (in Å). Regarding the disorder, only the atoms with the highest s.o.f. were considered.

ISSN: 2056-9890
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