Figure 14
The packing of (py)AuCl3 (Adams & Strähle, 1982 ), showing two adjacent ladder-like double chains parallel to the b axis at (x, z) = (0.25, 0) and (0.75, 0.5). The view direction is approximately parallel to the c axis (but rotated slightly to reduce overlap). Thick dashed lines indicate Au⋯Cl contacts; thin dashed lines indicate `weak' H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds or short Cl⋯Cl contacts. Atomic coordinates were taken from the database (refcode PYAUCL10); hydrogen-atom positions were calculated using the HADD option of XP (Bruker, 1998 ). Colour codes for this Figure and for Figs. 29 –34![[link]](../../../../../../logos/arrows/e_arr.gif) ![[link]](../../../../../../logos/arrows/e_arr.gif) ![[link]](../../../../../../logos/arrows/e_arr.gif) ![[link]](../../../../../../logos/arrows/e_arr.gif) are the same as for those of 1–8 (C and H black, N dark blue, Au yellow, Cl green, Br brick-red), but we do not number the atoms in these Figures because the database numbering is not consistent e.g. for cis and trans halogen atoms. |