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Figure 5
Examples of a variety of different protein and salt crystals in various plates under both white-light and UV illumination. A1–D2 are in sitting drops and E1–H2 are in hanging drops. A1, lysozyme crystal in a Greiner 288 low-birefringence (lbr) plate covered with transparent film and illuminated with UV light. A2, the same illuminated with white light. B1, a mistletoe lectin I crystal in a Greiner 288 lbr plate illuminated with UV light. B2, the same with white light. C1 and C2 show a potassium phosphate crystal in a Greiner 288 lbr plate illuminated with UV and white light, respectively. D1 and D2 show another example of a salt crystal in a Nextal QIA1 µplate illuminated with UV light and white light, respectively. E1, thaumatin crystals applying the hanging-drop method in a Linbro 24 plate covered with siliconized cover slips and illuminated with the filtered mercury arc lamp UV spectrum. E2, the same crystals illuminated with white light. F1, mistletoe lectin I crystals grown in hanging drops illuminated with UV light. F2, the same crystals illuminated with white light. G1, protein crystals of glycerinaldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase grown in a hanging drop on a Linbro 24 plate illuminated with UV light. G2, the same crystals illuminated with white light. The drop contains 5.9%(w/v) PEG 4000 as precipitant in an acetate buffer. H1, a protein crystal underneath a shower of ammonium sulfate crystals that fluoresces under UV-light illumination but is invisible under polarized white-light illumination (H2). Without UV illumination, this protein crystal would most probably not have been detected.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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