Figure 4
Unknown ligands (UNL) in a few PSI structures. The UNL atoms are represented as red spheres enveloped by electron-density mesh (2Fo − Fc density contoured at 1σ level above the mean) and surrounded by the protein rendered in cartoon representation. In many cases, the ligand could have been assigned as one or a few potential compounds, but is still annotated as a UNL since we have no definitive proof of its identity. (a) A protein of unknown function, NP_823353.1 from Streptomyces avermitilis, at 1.45 Å resolution. (b) A protein of unknown function possessing a ferritin-like fold (YP_832262.1; PDB code 3ez0 ) from Arthrobacter sp. Fb24 at 2.33 Å resolution. (c) A protein of unknown function from Geobacter sulfurreducens possessing a GGDEF domain (NP_951600.1; PDB code 3ezu ) at 1.95 Å resolution. (d) Phzb2 (NP_250591.1; PDB code 3ff0 ) with a cystatin-like fold and an unknown function in phenazine biosynthesis from Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 1.90 Å resolution. |