open access

Acta Crystallographica Section F currently includes a mix of open-access, non-open-access (subscription) and free articles. Authors can choose to make their article open access by paying an open-access fee, or may be able to publish open access without direct charge if their institution is part of a transformative arrangement (see below).
Open-access articles in Acta Crystallographica Section F are generally more highly cited and downloaded than non-open-access articles (see below).
1. Open access and authors
Authors will be asked about open access during submission and given details of how to make their articles open access at the proof stage. Authors who do not wish to pay for open access will still be able to publish their article in the usual way (i.e. as a non-open-access article). Authors in certain countries and institutions (see below) may be able to publish their article as open access without direct cost via transformative arrangements.
2. Open-access fee
The open-access fees for Acta Crystallographica Section F are as follows.
IUCr Associate price | USD 1560 |
World Directory (or IUCr ID) price | USD 1680 |
ACA, AfCA, AsCA, ECA or LACA member price | USD 1680 |
Authors in countries or institutions with transformative deals (see below) | No direct charge |
Non-member price | USD 3520 |
The fees are used to meet the costs of peer review, of journal production, and of online hosting and archiving. There are no submission charges.
3. Payment
An article may be made open access at any time after the proof stage on receipt of the appropriate payment. This also applies to all back articles on Crystallography Journals Online.
How to pay
Authors may pay by credit card, bank transfer or voucher. Please note that purchase order and invoicing arrangements are also available.
IUCr members
If you are an IUCr Associate, are in the World Directory or have an IUCr ID, you may claim the appropriate member price. Details of how to claim are provided at proof stage.
In addition, if you are a member of the American Crystallographic Association (ACA), African Crystallographic Association (AfCA), Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA), European Crystallographic Association (ECA) or Latin-American Crystallographic Association (LACA), you may claim the member price.
Authors in countries or institutions with transformative arrangements
If your institution is taking part in a transformative deal with our publication partner, Wiley, you will be able to publish research or review articles open access in Acta Crystallographica Section F with no direct charge. Currently, there are transformative deals in Australia, Austria, Botswana, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macau, Namibia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, the UK and the USA. If your article is accepted for publication, the IUCr will pass details of your article on to Wiley so that open access can be arranged.
If you are not able to find your institution using the above link, please also check in the Wiley author services page. Further details of which funders may cover open-access fees can also be looked up using the cOAlition S Journal Checker Tool, see below.
Sponsoring open access
Organisations wishing to sponsor open-access publication of a series of articles or complete journal issues should contact
4. Open access and copyright
Acta Crystallographica Section F adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition of open access. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of open-access articles.
✓ Authors of open-access articles will not be asked to transfer copyright to the IUCr.
✓ Open-access articles are published under an open-access Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) Licence.
✓ The journal takes part in and supports transformative arrangements.
✓ The IUCr is a signatory to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
5. Open access and funding bodies
Some funding bodies, e.g. NIH, require authors to deposit their articles in a recognised archive such as PubMed Central. The IUCr recommends that such articles are made open access. A summary of the IUCr arrangements for NIH-funded authors can be found at
IUCr publications aim to meet best practice in open-access publication and conform with the publisher requirements of funders such as the Wellcome Trust, see For authors with cOAlition S funding, details of whether the open-access fees will be covered or not can be looked up using the Journal Checker Tool:
For authors choosing green open access, we allow immediate deposition of the authors' electronic reprint (version of record) or the author accepted manuscript. A CC-BY licence may be applied to the author accepted manuscript, as required by some funders.
6. Taxes
For all orders from the UK, value-added tax (VAT, currently 20%) will be charged. For authors from other countries in the European Union, VAT will be charged at the local rate unless a VAT registration number is provided.
7. Reimbursement
We are generally unable to process cancellations, refunds or returns of open-access fees after publication. Authors seeking reimbursement should contact IUCr Customer Services (