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Figure 1
The Wzy-dependent capsule-assembly pathway in E. coli. Undecaprenol-linked CPS repeat units are synthesized by enzymes located in the cytoplasm and inner membrane and transported across the inner membrane via the flippase Wzx (1). These units are polymerized in concert with Wzy (2). Wzc is a tyrosine autokinase and Wzb is a cognate phosphatase (3). Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are both required for high-level polymerization of the CPS. The periplasmic domain of the Wzc tetramer interacts with the base of Wza, the outer membrane channel required for translocation of CPS to the cell surface (4). Wzi is proposed to attach the newly translocated CPS to the outer membrane (5).

ISSN: 2053-230X
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