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Figure 2
Substrate-binding and cofactor-binding sites. (a) The IMP site of CpIMPDH in complex with inhibitors. Residues in contact with IMP are shown. P131, PDB entry 4rv8 (pink); C64, PDB entry 3khj (green; MacPherson et al., 2010BB22); Q21, PDB entry 4ixh (blue; Gorla et al., 2013BB12); N109, PDB entry 4qj1 (tan; Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Sun et al., 2014BB37). The B subunit is shown in all four cases. (b) Superposition of the CpIMPDH–IMP–P131 complex (AD dimer, pink) with the IMP–NAD+ complex of V. cholerae IMPDH (AA dimer, tan; PDB entry 4qne ; Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Makowska-Grzyska et al., 2015BB23). P131 is shown in stick representation with C atoms in magenta. NAD+ is shown in ball-and-stick representation with C atoms in cyan. The residues that contact NAD+ are shown, with the exceptions of IMP, Cys219 and Met302-Gly303, which were omitted for clarity (CpIMPDH numbering). This figure was produced with UCSF Chimera (Pettersen et al., 2004BB29).

ISSN: 2053-230X
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