Figure 1
Schematic drawings of the experimental devices. (a) The experimental setup for combined dynamic light scattering (DLS) and confocal depolarized dynamic light scattering (cDDLS). A laser beam is polarized by the polarizer P and focused by lens M1 into the sample cell. Light scattered at 90° is introduced by lens L2 to an optical fibre F2 and transmitted to a photomultiplier (PMT). The transmitted light passing through an analyzer A at complete extinction with P is collected by lens L1 in a confocal scheme and sent by optical fibre F1 to a second photomultiplier. Both PMTs are connected to correlators. (b) Depolarized oblique illumination dark-field microscopy (DOIDM) setup. A laser beam illuminates a ∼100 µm wide path in a rectangular sample cell. The light scattered vertically is collected by an objective lens. A polarizer and analyzer (indicated by black arrows) are placed at the optical entrance and exit of the sample cell, respectively. |