Figure 4
Substrates of both GH88 and GH105 computationally modeled into the active site of the CA_C0359 structure. The computationally predicted models (yellow) of (a) ΔGalA-Rha, (b) ΔGalA-GalA and (c) ΔGlcA-GalNAc bound to the ribbon model of the native CA_C0359 crystal structure. The known conserved residues Asp130, His176, Asp75 and Tyr25 are available for interaction with the carbohydrate and are explicitly shown in cyan. C5 of the reducing and nonreducing ends of the carbohydrate are labeled in red and green, respectively. H atoms are omitted from the visualization for clarity. The protein is shown in a gray cartoon representation, and the mobile loop (residues 320–330) is visible in the upper left portion of the figure and is colored magenta. Subsites for sugar binding are labeled −1 and +1. |