Figure 2
(a) Crystallographic R factors comparing |Fobsdetwinned| and |Fcalc| as a function of resolution at different stages of AiV1 structure determination. The R factor comparing |Fobsdetwinned| and |Fcalc| calculated from the BEV model converted to polyalanine is shown as a continuous red line, the R factor after refinement by ten cycles of NCS averaging using the BEV-derived mask is shown as a dashed red line and the R factor after 30 cycles of NCS averaging using the correlation map-based mask is shown as a dotted red line. The R factor comparing |Fobsdetwinned| and |Fcalc| calculated from the final AiV1 model is shown as a continuous green line and the R factor after ten cycles of NCS averaging as a dashed green line. The R factor comparing |Fobsdetwinned| and |Fcalc| calculated from the φCb5 structure is shown as a continuous blue line and the R factor after ten cycles of NCS averaging is shown as a dashed blue line. (b) Phase-difference plots comparing phases at various stages of structure determination with phases derived from the final AiV1 structure and refined by 30 cycles of NCS averaging. Phase differences were calculated in narrow resolution bins and plotted against resolution. The average phase difference of phases of the BEV model are shown as a violet line, of the BEV model refined by ten cycles of the NCS averaging using the BEV-derived averaging mask as a green line, of the BEV model refined by 30 cycles of the NCS averaging using the correlation-map based mask as a red line, of the φCb5 model as an orange line, of the φCb5 model refined by ten cycles of the NCS averaging as a yellow line and of the final AiV1 structure as a blue line. (See text for further details.) |