Figure 1
(a) Domain architecture of ZIKV-NS5(1–903) protein. (b) X-ray structure of the full-length ZIKV-NS5 protein, where residues 6–887 are observed in the structure. The MTase domain is shown in teal and the RdRp domain is shown in green. The bound cofactor (SAH) in the MTase domain is highlighted in magenta, and the two Zn2+ ions in the RdRp domain are shown in gray. The linker region connecting the MTase and RdRp domains is shown in blue. (c) Representative section of the electron-density map for the protein with the bound cofactor (SAH) in the MTase domain. The weighted 2Fo − Fc map (blue) is contoured at 1σ and a difference OMIT map (green) for the SAH is contoured at 3σ. (d) The conserved residues involved in SAH (magenta) binding in the NS5 MTase domain are shown for the JEV-NS5 (gray; PDB entry 4k6m) and ZIKV-NS5 (cyan; PDB entry 5tfr) structures. (e) ZIKV-NS5 pol oriented with a `right-handed' view of the palm (olive), thumb (orange) and fingers (yellow) domains, where the Mtase (blue) domain extends into the page. (f, g) Coordination environments of the two Zn2+-binding sites. ZIKV-NS5 residues are shown in green and the two Zn2+ ions are shown in gray. JEV-NS5 residues are shown in gray and the corresponding Zn2+ ions are shown in magenta. |