Figure 3
Procedure for the `touch-soak' method for reduction of perdeuterated MnSOD crystals. Arrows indicate the position of the crystal, while black lines indicate the positions of deuterated reservoir slugs supplemented with dithionite. (a) An MnSOD crystal flanked by dithionite-containing slugs within a capillary sealed with melted wax. (b) At one end, the wax is peeled off and the slug is removed. (c, d) Using a pipet, the remaining slug is gently moved using negative pressure to make minimal contact with the crystal. The redox change of the crystal is noticeable within minutes. In some cases, only contact with the mother liquor is needed. This can be performed with or without the other end of the capillary sealed. If sealed, the slug will jump back to its original position once the negative pressure of the pipet is removed; otherwise, positive pressure with a pipet is applied to move the slug back to its original position. (e, f) Another slug supplemented with dithionite is added using a pipet attached to a gel-loading pipet tip and the ends are sealed with melted wax. |