Figure 2
Single-particle analysis of PepTSo2 using cryo-electron microscopy. (a) Salipro reconstitution of PepTSo2. SEC chromatograms before and after reconstitution of PepTSo2 are shown as gray and black lines, respectively (left panel). The peak fractions indicated by the red arrow were analyzed by SDS–PAGE (right panel). (b) Raw electron micrograph of PepTSo2. The Salipro-reconstituted PepTSo2 particles are indicated by red circles. (c) Representative 2D class averages generated from the particles. The scale bar represents 10 nm. (d) Gold-standard FSC between two independently refined half-maps. (e) Euler angle distribution of all particles collected by the tilting method. (f) 3D density maps of the tetrameric PepTSo2 incorporated in the Salipro nanoparticle. The atomic model was refined by using the crystal structure determined in this study as the initial model. (g) Densities of selected helices and side chains. (h) The density around the inter-protomer interaction area. The extracellular loop of a protomer is colored green and H12 of the neighboring protomer is colored magenta. |