Figure 1
Sequence and structure of a dimerized RNA with an unusual UUCG duplex motif. (a) Sequence of the anticipated hairpin structure and the observed dimerized structure. The CUG repeat region is colored green and the expected UUCG tetraloop is colored blue. (b) Example diffraction data collected from a single crystal. The oscillation range in the depicted image corresponds to a total of 2°, summed together from ten adjacent 0.2° oscillation images. The c* axis is indicated with an arrow. (c) Cross-eyed stereo image of the final electron-density map. One chain in the asymmetric unit is colored yellow and is related to the other chain (gray) by crystallographic symmetry, thus generating an RNA duplex in crystallo. The depicted map is of the form 2mFo − DFc, is unfilled for missing reflections and is contoured at 1 r.m.s.d. Density is only shown within 2 Å of the modeled chain within the crystallographic asymmetric unit. (d) Crystal packing of the RNA duplex in the vicinity of the dimerized UUCG motif. The coloring is the same as in (a). |