Figure 1
The overall structure of the chitinase domain of CotE. (a, b) Ribbon rendering of the polypeptide chain colour-ramped from the N-terminus (Ile363, blue) to the C-terminus (Phe712, red). The atoms of the disulfide bond linking cysteines 376 and 670 are shown as spheres, as are the atoms of the pentapetide ligand located in the active site. These atoms are coloured by element, with C in grey, O in red, N in blue and S in yellow. The views are from the side of the β-barrel (a) and looking down into it (b). (c, d) Electrostatic surface renderings of the protein in similar orientations to those in (a) and (b), respectively. The prominent groove that forms the active site and its markedly negative electrostatic potential are apparent. |