Figure 3
Orthogonal views of the IMPase dimer (and tetramer) showing ebselen on Cys141 and metal ions in the active sites based on the structure of PDB entry 6zk0. (a) The two subunits in the dimer are shown as green (subunit A) and cyan (subunit B) cartoons, with ebselen attached to Cys141A and Cys141B in space-filling representation. Metal ions (Mn2+/Na+) at each active site are shown as grey spheres. (b, c) Orthogonal views. (d, e, f) The same views as in (a, b, c) but also showing a second dimer related by a crystallographic twofold axis. Subunit A′ is in yellow and subunit B′ is in magenta. The view in (e) is along the crystallographic twofold that rotates the AB dimer (green/cyan) onto the A′B′ dimer (yellow/magenta). (g, h). Two views of the tetramer from underneath, showing that the three metal ions (grey/black spheres) at each active site are still accessible in the tetramer. In (h), a surface is shown for both dimers. |