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Figure 2
Structural comparison of GmBPS with other PKSs. The superposed structures of GmBPS (PDB entry 7cbf, salmon), MsCHS (PDB entry 1cgk, purple) and 2-PS (PDB entry 1ee0, lime green). The labelled amino-acid residues are shown as stick models with C atoms in the colours noted above, S atoms in yellow, N atoms in blue and O atoms in red. The residues are labelled according to GmBPS. The naringenin modelled in the structure of GmBPS by superposition of the MsCHS complex with GmBPS is shown as a ball-and-stick model with C atoms in purple and O atoms in red. (a) Catalytic triad residues (Cys165/His304/Asn337) and the gatekeeper (Phe216). (b) Buried active-site cavities. Only Cys165 in GmBPS is shown for clarity. The modelled 2,4,6-trihydroxybenzophenone in the structure of GmBPS is shown as a ball-and-stick model with C atoms in salmon and O atoms in red.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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