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Figure 3
The subdomain orientations of the constituent subunits of the dimer are similar to each other and to the subunits of the closed-ring structure (PDB entry 2vl6; Liu et al., 2008BB18). Two perpendicular views of the structures are shown in (a) and (b). Chains A and B of each structure are superimposed based on OB-fold residues 109–132. Chains A and B from this work are colored yellow and green, respectively, and the chains from the closed-ring structure (PDB entry 2vl6; Liu et al., 2008BB18) are colored pale cyan. The OB-fold and HB subdomains are highly similar in the relative position in each structure, and the ZBD subdomains differ slightly in orientation relative to the OB-fold.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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