Figure 2
Crystallization and diffraction analysis of the SALM3–PTPσ complex crystals. (a) Initial hit from the 96-well screen. The scale bar corresponds to 100 µm. (b) Example of an optimized crystal mounted on a loop for data collection. (c) A diffraction pattern from the best crystal, with visible diffraction to 6.4 Å resolution in this orientation indicated by an arrow. (d) Self-rotation plot displayed at κ = 180°; the C2 crystallographic twofold peak is visible along the y axis, and the noncrystallographic peaks along the x axis of the plot as indicated in the text (at θ = 99.43°, φ = 0.0° and a symmetry-related peak at θ = 10.43°, φ = 0.0°) are indicative of the presence of one dimer related by rotational symmetry in the asymmetric unit. |