Figure 3
(a) Sequence-similarity network (SSN) of all enolase sequences currently available in the UniProt database (1231 rep nodes; 46 008 edges). Edges connecting nodes indicate at least 50% sequence similarity. Node size is proportional to the number of IDs per rep node, whereas square rep nodes indicate the presence of at least one experimentally determined enolase structure (i.e. associated PDB entries). The node containing the SeEN sequence is indicated by a black arrow. (b) The NC distribution indicates that all functionally and structurally characterized enolases belong to the largest cluster, accounting for 73% of the family, of which about 50% is composed of eukaryotic enolases. (c) Unrooted phylogenetic tree of 32 structurally characterized enolases (see Supplementary Table S1). Organism names highlighted in orange indicate enolase structures that are predicted to exhibit an octameric quaternary structure. |