Figure 2
Details of the three-dimensional structure of hROR1-KRD. (a) Cartoon representation of hROR1-KRD. The polypeptide chain is colored from the N-terminus (blue) to the C-terminus (red). Disulfide bonds are shown in ball-and-stick representation and residues constituting the boundaries of the secondary-structure elements are labeled. (b) Electron density (blue, 2Fo − Fc, contour level 1.0σ) of the regions describing the amino-acid residues of the restriction cloning scars at the N-termini (blue) and C-termini (red) of hROR1-KRD. First-shell water molecules are shown as red spheres. (c) Details of the crystal contact interactions of the C-terminal residue Ala396 (orange) with side chains of a neighboring molecule in the crystal packing (blue). |