research communications
Variations on a theme: crystal forms of the amino-acid transporter MhsT
aCenter for Structural Biology, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Gustav Wieds Vej 10C, Aarhus C, DK-8000 Aarhus, Denmark, and bDANDRITE, Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, Denmark
*Correspondence e-mail: pn@mbg.au.dk
The bacterial amino-acid transporter MhsT from the SLC6A family has been crystallized in complex with different substrates in order to understand the determinants of the substrate specificity of the transporter. Surprisingly, crystals of the different MhsT–substrate complexes showed interrelated but different crystal-packing arrangements. Space-group assignment and
of these different crystal forms present challenging combinations of and translational noncrystallographic symmetry.Keywords: pseudomerohedral twinning; pseudosymmetry; translational NCS; X-ray crystallography; translational symmetry; membrane proteins; bacterial amino-acid transporters; MhsT.
1. Introduction
Macromolecular crystals often suffer from imperfections that cause difficulties in space-group determination, data processing and et al., 1996; Lietzke et al., 1996
). In contrast, is characterized by a complete overlap of real-space lattices from the twin domains, resulting in superposition of the and hence appearing normal (Yeates, 1997
Merohedral ; Chandra et al., 1999
; Stanley, 1972
). In the belongs to a higher than the symmetry of the and therefore decomposition of the with regard to the is a method to determine the possible twin laws (Flack, 1987
). These twin laws can be used to `detwin' the crystal and calculate the true intensities in cases of twin fractions much smaller than 0.5 or to refine twinned crystal structures with use of the in cases of perfect (Yeates, 1997
Merohedral ). Therefore, for 2 is generally not possible, but there are exceptions. For example, in the fortuitous case of β ≃ 90°, an orthorhombic is mimicked and becomes possible (Larsen et al., 2002
). Here, the exhibits mmm point-group symmetry, whereas the has 2, which can be caused by two possible equivalent twin laws along a (h, −k, −l) or c (−h, −k, l). This kind of is called with the orthorhombic and monoclinic point groups belonging to two different crystal systems (Parsons, 2003
). In contrast to the lattices of the different twin domains overlap only approximately in three dimensions and therefore the spots in the diffraction pattern will not superpose completely (Yeates, 1997
), often appearing as streaky reflections.
Pseudosymmetry is another phenomenon that may mask the true crystal symmetry. It is often observed when noncrystallographic symmetry (NCS) operators lie close to crystallographic operators and, as in the case of R factors during are a typical hallmark of (Zwart et al., 2008).
A third common crystal phenomenon that impacts data processing and structure et al., 2013). Translational NCS can be detected in the by the presence of non-origin peaks with a height of at least 20% of the origin peak. The smaller the difference in orientation between the tNCS-related molecules, the more significant the effect of tNCS will be on data processing, phasing and refinement.
In this report, we describe three different crystal forms of the multihydrophobic amino-acid transporter (MhsT) with complications of Bacillus halodurans that transports a variety of hydrophobic L-amino acids. It is an orthologue of the mammalian neurotransmitter:sodium symporters and amino-acid transporters of the SLC6 family. MhsT substrates range from the bulky, aromatic substrates tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine to the smaller, branched aliphatic amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine (Quick & Javitch, 2007). The initial aim of the study was to understand the determinants of substrate specificity of MhsT through co-crystallization with all substrates. Six different structures were determined and, together with the previously published MhsT–Trp complex (Malinauskaite et al., 2014
), a substrate-recognition mechanism involving the unwound part of TM6 was elucidated (Focht et al., 2021
). Somewhat surprisingly, however, we observed that different crystal forms emerged but displayed related intermolecular crystal-packing arrangements. MhsT in complex with 4-fluorophenylalanine (4-F-Phe), Tyr, Phe and the previously determined Trp crystallize in P2 with the long axis along c. In the case of the smaller ligands (Val and Leu) a slight change in packing occurs and the changes to P21, with new unit-cell parameters: aP21 = aP2, bP21 = 2cP2, cP21 = bP2 and β ≃ 90°. The in the P21 crystal form is approximately twice the volume of that in the P2 form and accommodates two MhsT complexes instead of one in the related by rotational NCS. The P2 form was never observed for the smaller aliphatic substrates, but the P21 crystal form, on the other hand, was also observed for the aromatic substrates, although higher quality data sets were obtained in P2.
Another crystal-packing variation occurred in the case of the MhsT–Ile complex, which crystallized in a different P21 crystal form, now with unit-cell parameters aP21 = aP2, bP21 = 2bP2 and cP21 = cP2. Again, the is twice as large as for the P2 form, with the containing two MhsT molecules; however, they are now related by translational NCS. Table 1 presents an overview of the different complexes, with a description of the unit-cell parameters and data statistics.
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While data processing and P2, the P21 cases turned out to be more challenging, especially because of the presence of and in the Val- and Leu-bound complexes and of translational NCS in the case of MhsT–Ile, obscuring space-group assignment and refinement.
were straightforward in the case of structures determined in2. Methods
2.1. Protein expression, purification and crystallization
The expression, purification and crystallization of MhsT in complex with its different substrates have been described previously (Focht et al., 2021) based on earlier studies (Malinauskaite et al., 2014
; Quick & Javitch, 2007
2.2. Crystal morphology and data collection
Crystals of MhsT in complex with aromatic substrates (Phe, 4-F-Phe or Tyr), Val or Leu were small, three-dimensional rod-like crystals (Fig. 1a) with lengths ranging from 30 to 50 µm, similar to MhsT–Trp crystals (Malinauskaite et al., 2014
). Data collection was performed on beamlines I24 and I04 at Diamond Light Source (DLS).
![]() | Figure 1 Crystals of MhsT. (a) P21 crystal form of MhsT–Val exhibiting P2221 and negligible and (b) a similar P21 crystal form of MhsT–Leu with twin fraction 0.43. (c) MhsT–Ile crystallizes in a different P21 form with translational noncrystallographic symmetry |
In contrast, the crystals of MhsT–Ile were flat plates with dimensions of up to 70 µm and thicknesses of about 5–10 µm (Fig. 1b). The data sets were collected on beamline PXI at the Swiss Light Source (SLS). The MhsT–Ile crystals were very sensitive to radiation damage and complete data sets could not be obtained from single crystals.
3. Two data sets with and pseudomerohedral twinning
3.1. Data processing of MhsT–Val and MhsT–Leu data sets
The MhsT–Val and MhsT–Leu data sets were initially processed using the XDS package (Kabsch, 2010) as well as POINTLESS and AIMLESS from the CCP4 package (Winn et al., 2011
) in the orthorhombic P2221 with along c. The processing resulted in an overall Rmeas of 0.233 in the case of MhsT–Val and 0.133 in the case of MhsT–Leu, indicating seemingly acceptable merging statistics and space-group assignment. Initial phases were obtained by the use of in Phenix Phaser-MR with Mhst–Trp (PDB entry 4us3; Malinauskaite et al., 2014
) without TM5 and ligands as a search model, which identified one molecule in the (Matthews coefficient of 2.57 Å3 Da−1 and solvent content of 52.1% for MhsT–Val and Matthews coefficient of 2.55 Å3 Da−1 and solvent content of 51.9% for MhsT–Leu; Matthews, 1968
). gave clear solutions in both cases (PAK = 0, LLG = 822 and TFZ = 18.2 for MhsT–Val and PAK = 0, LLG = 1262 and TFZ = 19.1 for MhsT–Leu), However, real- and reciprocal-space stalled in both cases at an Rwork and Rfree of about 0.38 and 0.43, respectively.
These R-factor statistics indicated that the structure did not explain the diffraction data well, and that the assignment of P2221 space-group symmetry was potentially incorrect. The presence of and/or in the data sets was suspected to make the diffraction pattern resemble an orthorhombic due to a fortuitous value of β ≃ 90°. Therefore, the three monoclinic Translationengleiche subgroups of P2221 were explored to investigate which twofold or screw operator present in the orthorhombic remained valid (if any) as a crystallographic operator in a monoclinic space group.
In the case of MhsT–Val, the merging R factors for the two different settings of P2 were markedly increased (Table 2), suggesting that they also were not valid space groups for this data set, and indeed they also resulted in high model R factors in However, processing in P21 with the long axis (the c axis in P2221) now along b merged with proper statistics and an overall Rmeas of 0.138. located two molecules in the (Matthews coefficient of 2.57 Å3 Da−1, solvent content of 52.1%), yielding a single solution with PAK = 0, LLG = 5863.578 and TFZ = 53.9. Model proceeded smoothly and converged with an Rwork and Rfree of 0.207 and 0.237, respectively, with high-quality electron-density maps for unmodeled parts.
Similarly, parallel runs of Rwork and Rfree values of 0.26 and 0.31, respectively, for P21, 0.35 and 0.42, respectively, for P2b=44.26 Å and 0.31 and 0.37, respectively, for P2b=50.17 Å. These results clearly indicated that P21 was again the correct assignment, similar to MhsT–Val. The complete processing and for the two data sets processed in P21 can be seen in Table 3.
‡5% of the data set was chosen for the Rfree sets; additionally, in the cases with two molecules in the the Rfree flag was assigned in thin resolution shells. |
However, for MhsT–Leu the data-scaling statistics looked comparable in all three monoclinic assignments, i.e. with the two P2 space groups having only a slightly increased Rmeasure compared with P21. This seemingly different behaviour of the MhsT–Val and MhsT–Leu data was investigated further and is explained below.
3.2. of the MhsT–Val and MhsT–Leu crystals
The presence and orientation of crystallographic and noncrystallographic rotational and screw axes in the two data sets were further analysed by use of the Patterson self-rotation function (Rossmann & Blow, 1962). Fig. 2
presents a of the self-rotation function at κ = 180°, indicating 222 symmetry or 222 with the NCS axes lying close to the crystallographic axes, which are therefore also candidates as a possible twin axis.
![]() | Figure 2 Self-rotation function of (a) MhsT–Val and (b) MhsT–Leu in the κ = 180° section. The low-resolution limit is 7 Å, the high-resolution limit is 3 Å and the radius of integration is 32 Å. The crystallographic twofold screw symmetry axis is present along b, the noncrystallographic twofold symmetry axis and twin axis are present along a and the third twofold axis is present along c. |
The P2221 prompted us to investigate the NCS operators with `Find NCS operators' in Phenix. The following operators were found for the two data sets. For MhsT–Leu,
and for MhsT–Val,
Hence, the NCS operator approximates a crystallographic twofold axis along a, which together with the crystallographic twofold axis along b generates a third twofold operator parallel to c and a P2221 This operator is assumed to be crystallographic when processing is performed in the orthorhombic but because the NCS operator diverges from the crystallographic operator the in the orthorhombic stalls at high model R factors, as indicated above.
3.3. of MhsT–Leu
Intensity analyses were performed on the monoclinic data sets in phenix.xtriage (Zwart et al., 2005) as β approaches 90° for both MhsT–Val and MhsT–Leu, making pseudomerohedral possible. The Wilson ratio and secondary intensity moments (Stanley, 1972
; Rees, 1980
) of centric and acentric reflections hinted at in both data sets (data not shown) with the h, −k, −l Additionally, a more robust local intensity difference analysis of the data sets was performed by use of The Server (https://services.mbi.ucla.edu/Twinning/) applying the Padilla–Yeates algorithm (Padilla & Yeates, 2003
). The presence of is indicated in both data sets (Fig. 3
), but with a markedly higher degree of in the case of MhsT–Leu.
![]() | Figure 3 Graphs presenting statistics in the (a) MhsT–Leu and (b) MhsT–Val data sets. |
The presence of a twofold NCS operator along a can bias detection to indicate a twin operator along a, because the analysis of the scaling statistics assumes that the related reflections are otherwise independent (Yeates & Rees, 1987; Lebedev et al., 2006
), although it is already clear from the NCS operator that they are not. At the same time, cases in which the NCS operator coincides with a crystal axis make highly probable (Lebedev et al., 2006
). Generally, twin fractions can be determined in several ways (Britton, 1972
; Rees, 1980
; Fisher & Sweet, 1980
; Murray-Rust, 1973
; Yeates, 1997
); however, many of these tests do not give an accurate estimate of the twin fraction in cases such as this. Therefore, a test that takes the NCS axis into consideration was used in phenix.xtriage (Liebschner et al., 2019
). The obtained twin fraction for MhsT–Val was 0.065, while it was 0.443 for MhsT–Leu. In comparison, the Britton test (Britton, 1972
) gave twin fractions of 0.173 for MhsT–Val and 0.447 for MhsT–Leu.
A significant decrease (for example 3–10%) in model R factors is to be expected in cases with high degrees of when comparing with and without a Indeed, for the MhsT–Leu data set structure with the h, −k, −l resulted in a decrease in the R factors from an Rwork and Rfree of 0.266 and 0.298, respectively, to 0.185 and 0.222. However, in the MhsT–Val complex with a low degree of Rwork and Rfree were 0.207 and 0.237, respectively, without the use of the and 0.194 and 0.223, respectively, when the h, −k, −l was used (a refined twin fraction of 0.06); i.e. there was an almost negligible difference. As with the also did not improve the electron-density maps for MhsT–Val, we refined the MhsT–Val structure without the use of the twin law.
The significant difference in the twin fractions observed between the two data sets explains the low merging factors of the MhsT–Leu data set in all three monoclinic subgroups of P2221. In the case of a data set belonging to P2221, proper scaling and low merging factors would be expected in its type I maximal non-isomorphous subgroups. Therefore, in the case of two monoclinic data sets containing twin fractions of ∼0 and ∼0.443 it could be expected that the data set with almost perfect would scale better in all three subgroups, as the diffraction pattern approximates an orthorhombic setting more closely than the data set with the lower twin fraction. However, in the case where is present at the same time, as here, the merging statistics will also appear valid in the case of P2221, even though the twin fraction is small or non-existent (Parsons, 2003).
3.4. Crystal packing explains the of MhsT–Val and MhsT–Leu
In order to visualize the P21 molecules A and B (Figs. 4a and 4
b), are related by twofold rotational NCS, with a Cα r.m.s.d. of 0.232 Å. Smaller conformational deviations between the molecules are present in the loop regions 248–251 and 419–424. However, a main difference is that the C-terminal end of molecule A can only be traced to Phe448, whereas for molecule B the entire C-terminus ending at Asn453 is visible in the maps (Fig. 4
d), with this region being stabilized by local interactions with the neighbouring molecule A (Fig. 4
c). In the case of molecule A, however, the distance between the C-terminus and molecule B is larger and no interaction is observed (Fig. 4
f). In other words, molecules A and B are not identical, the symmetry operations superimposing them are imperfect and orthorhombic symmetry is not present.
![]() | Figure 4 (a) Two molecules in the of MhsT–Val, also representing MhsT–Leu. (b) Two unit cells are shown. Distances between molecules in the are shown in blue and distances between molecules in different asymmetric units are shown in red. (c) Interactions between the C-terminus in molecule B and two residues in molecule A. (d) 2Fo − Fc electron-density map of the additional residues in the C-terminus of molecule B contoured at 1 r.m.s.d. (e) Distances between molecules in the (f) Distances between molecules in different asymmetric units. |
The variations in crystal packing may be due to subtle ligand-induced conformational changes of the MhsT structure, and we also cannot exclude that the presence of amino-acid ligands at ∼0.5 mM concentration may affect the lipid–detergent phase diagram and therefore the crystallization conditions. As mentioned earlier, the aromatic substrate complexes can crystallize in both P2 and P21 forms, and we therefore performed a systematic crystallization approach with controlled protein:lipid ratios for the MhsT–Trp complex. At protein:lipid ratios of 3:0.8(w:w) and 3:1.0(w:w) MhsT–Trp mainly crystallized in the P21 form, whereas at a ratio of 3:2.25 it crystallized mainly in the P2 form. These ratios are dependent on both the protein and lipid batch, and cryoprotection procedures also seem to have an effect, but it seems clear that, for example, protein:lipid ratios affect crystal-packing preferences and highlight the importance of exploring and controlling these ratios in crystal screening and optimization.
4. Data set with pseudo-translation: MhsT-Ile
4.1. Data processing and pseudo-translation of MhsT–Ile
The data sets obtained from the MhsT–Ile crystals were processed with the XDS package (Kabsch, 2010) and the CCP4 suite of programs (Winn et al., 2011
) as described for the other complexes, although autoindexing failed in some cases. For most crystals a data set could not be collected due to low resolution or poor quality of the diffraction, with streaky or split reflections. The crystal form was again monoclinic, but it was unclear whether were present along b because this direction had been poorly sampled by the data-collection runs before the onset of radiation damage and also due to the anisotropic diffraction properties of the thin plate crystals in the loop. Furthermore, the crystals were generally not isomorphous, but two fairly isomorphous data sets were identified and merged, and despite a low completeness of ∼80% the data were of sufficient quality that we could distinguish space-group assignments and perform and limited Important structural features of the complex, especially inside the binding pocket, could be obtained and compared with the other substrate complexes (Focht et al., 2021
Importantly, analysis of the data set in phenix.xtriage revealed a non-origin peak with a size of 59.6% of the origin peak in the at fractional coordinates (0.337, 0.5, −0.312), indicating translational NCS (tNCS).
As we were unable to distinguish P2 and P21 in scaling without data along b, was performed in both space groups. was performed in Phenix Phaser-MR using MhsT–Trp (PDB entry 4us3 without TM5 and ligands) as a search model, proposing a model in P21 with two molecules in the (Matthews coefficient 2.52 Å3 Da−1, solvent content 51.2%). However, the model exhibited negative LLG values and R factors close to 50–60%. Additionally, the model could not explain the presence of the large non-origin peak in the When was extended to P1, searching for four molecules in the different relationships between the molecules were revealed. Here, as expected, two pairs of molecules could be distinguished; however, surprisingly, they were related by a twofold NCS axis almost parallel to b. Discovering the possible relationships in the and guided by the non-origin peak in the models of molecules were created by the use of `Apply NCS operators' in Phenix in P21, with two molecules related by a NCS twofold axis parallel to b with the translational matrix derived from the non-origin peak in the as only this relationship would explain the coordinates of the peak. A small deviation (only 0.23°) in the orientation of the molecules related by tNCS (Fig. 5b) together with the streaky reflections explained the problems with indexing and data processing of the data sets (Read et al., 2013
![]() | Figure 5 Visualization of the translational noncrystallographic symmetry of MhsT–Ile. (a) Two molecules, A and B, related by NCS. The NCS axis is parallel to b. (b) Molecule A1 has almost the same orientation as molecule B2 and these two molecules are only related by translation. TM1 is coloured in dark grey to more easily visualize the orientation of the molecules. |
Fig. 6(a) presents the at v = 0.5, whereas Fig. 6
(b) shows the of the self-rotation function at κ = 180° with the crystallographic twofold screw axis and the noncrystallographic twofold axis both along b.
![]() | Figure 6 (a) at v = 0.5 of the for MhsT–Ile visualizing the non-origin peak with a size of 59.6% of the origin peak. The map is drawn with a minimum contour level at 1.0σ with 1.5σ increments. (b) Self-rotation function of MhsT–Ile. The crystallographic twofold screw axis as well as the NCS axis are both present along b. |
This solution not only explained the non-origin peak in the R factors to an Rwork and Rfree of 0.313 and 0.347, respectively, in the initial round of The model was further refined in phenix.refine, ending at a final Rwork and Rfree of 0.277 and 0.305, respectively, which was deemed to be acceptable considering the presence of tNCS, the low completeness of the data and the overall lower resolution and quality of the data set. However, combined with an accurate and overall identical model from other high-resolution structures, a meaningful analysis could be obtained (Focht et al., 2021). Processing and are summarized in Table 3
5. Discussion
We present a remarkable case of almost identical complexes of the amino-acid transporter MhsT crystallized with different amino-acid substrates that however exhibit a range of crystallographic phenomena, including variable space-group symmetries,
different degrees of and translational NCS. These variations challenged space-group determination, data processing and model It is worth noting that in the two first cases (MhsT–Val and MhsT–Leu) excellent electron-density maps were obtained in the pseudo-orthorhombic setting that, if combined with the unreasonable presumptions of membrane-protein crystal structures being allowed to pass lower quality thresholds, could lead to incorrect space-group assignments and structures. In the case of at a low/absent twin fraction (the MhsT–Val complex) it remains possible to discern the correct monoclinic over orthorhombic through the careful comparison of merging statistics for the individual monoclinic subgroups. However, this becomes difficult when almost perfect (the MhsT–Leu complex) occurs and the merging statistics become essentially indistinguishable for all three monoclinic subgroups. In this case only model allowed us to distinguish the correct monoclinic space-group assignment, even without twin refinement.In the case of MhsT–Val and MhsT–Leu, the cause of A and B, non-identical. The scrambles the distinction of A–B and B–A pairs. We observe that variations in the protein:lipid ratios can also affect the resulting crystal-packing symmetry of the MhsT–Trp complex.
can directly be identified in the crystal packing as a significant difference in local interactions around the C-terminus, making two molecules,Different cases of proteins determined in monoclinic P21 forms with have previously been described. Larsen et al. (2002), Barends & Dijkstra (2003
) and Golinelli-Pimpaneau (2005
) described cases in which a primitive orthorhombic symmetry is mimicked, similar to the case of MhsT. Other kinds of in a monoclinic that impose an apparent higher symmetry can also be present, for example when c cos(β) = −a/2 (Declercq & Evrard, 2001
; Rudolph et al., 2004
) or when a ≃ c (Ban et al., 1999
; Yang et al., 2000
An analysis of entries in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) reveals that the described types of P21. After P212121 it is the second most populated in the PDB, and is followed by C2. 1901 of these P21 structures have a β angle between 89° and 91° (6.9%, excluding 128 entries that contain only one molecule in the asymmetric unit), where must be assumed as a potential descriptor. Similarly, cases with model stalling at suspiciously high R factors obviously warrant careful consideration of incorrect space-group assignment, and potentially where an incorrect P1 assignment should also be avoided.
and can potentially occur quite often. Careful intensity and model-refinement analyses are warranted in such cases. By considering structures determined by X-ray crystallography with experimental data available (analysis performed on 20 April 2022), of a total of 165 026 structures 27 568 (16.7%) were determined in the monoclinicAcknowledgements
The authors are grateful for technical assistance by Tetyana Klymchuk, Lotte T. Pedersen, Anna Marie Nielsen and Audrey Warren and support for computing by Jesper L. Karlsen.
Funding information
The following funding is acknowledged: Lundbeckfonden (scholarship No. R208-2015-3225 to Caroline Neumann), Fellow grant No. R335-2019-2053 (to Joseph A. Lyons), research grants Nos. R155-2015-2666, R328-2019-546 and R248-2016-2518 (to Poul Nissen), Novo Nordisk Foundation research grant No. NNF19OC0054875 (to Poul Nissen), and European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement (training network RAMP No. 722687 with a PhD scholarship to Sofia Trampari).
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