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Figure 6
AlphaFold2 models of Bornaviridae phosphoproteins. AlphaFold2 models of (a) BoDV-1 (UniProt P0C799), (b) variegated squirrel bornavirus 1 (UniProt A0A0H5BWK0), (c) parrot bornavirus 4 (UniProt F6JSK3), and (d) Loveridege's garter snake virus 1 (UniProt A0A077ETD9). Chains A, B, C and D are coloured teal, wheat, purple and green, respectively. Residues near the helix-breaking motif are shown as sticks. (e) A sequence alignment of the four viruses is shown. Residues at the helix-breaking motif are highlighted in the dashed red box.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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