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Figure 1
High-resolution crystal structure of Mu8.1. (a) Cartoon presentation of the Mu8.1 promoter observed in the asymmetric unit in space group I4122. α-Helices (α1–α4) are numbered consecutively from the N-terminus to the C-terminus (labeled `N' and `C'). 310-Helices are labeled according to their N-terminal (310-N), linker (310-L) or C-terminal (310-C) position. Disulfides are presented as yellow sticks and labeled with roman numerals. The first domain is colored pale green, 310-L is colored light green and the second domain is colored dark green. (b) Top view of Mu8.1 with the same labeling, numbering and coloring as in (a).

ISSN: 2053-230X
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