Figure 2
(a) A stereoview of the crystal structure of dmTRMT2A RRM superimposed with the top five results from the PDBeFold search. The selected structures show the lowest r.m.s.d. compared with dmTRMT2A RRM. The structures are shown as ribbons and coloured as follows: dmTRMT2A, PDB entry 7pv5, red; PDB entry 6f4j, cyan (Weber et al., 2018 ); PDB entry 1oia, green (Nagai et al., 1990 ); PDB entry 4a8x, yellow (Murachelli et al., 2012 ); PDB entry 2x1f, navy blue (Pancevac et al., 2010 ); PDB entry 1b7f, grey (Handa et al., 1999 ). (b) A stereoview of the superposition of the structures identified by PDBeFold to have the highest sequence identity to dmTRMT2A RRM. The structures are shown as ribbons and coloured as follows: dmTRMT2A RRM, PDB entry 7pv5, red; PDB entry 7nto, green (Margreiter et al., 2022 ); PDB entry 5iqq, cyan (Sofos et al., 2016 ); PDB entry 1b7f, grey (Handa et al., 1999 ); PDB entry 6e4n, navy blue (Travis et al., 2019 ); PDB entry 2cpx, yellow (RIKEN Structural Genomics/Proteomics Initiative, unpublished work). |