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Figure 1
Purification of Rv1421-NTD and comparison with orthologous proteins. (a) SEC and 15% SDS–PAGE analyses of purified MtRv1421-NTD. The elution peak was observed at an elution volume of 68.35 ml and was expected to correspond to a monomer. 15% SDS–PAGE stained using Coomassie Blue stain; lane 1, molecular-weight markers (labeled in kDa); lane 2, purified MtRv1421-NTD (20.8 kDa). (b) Multiple sequence alignment of MtRv1421-NTD with EcRapZ-NTD and BsYvcJ-NTD as orthologous P-loop-containing proteins. The residues involved in the Walker A and B motifs are marked with red and blue boxes, respectively. The colored labels serve to distinguish the various residue types: red, hydrophobic; green, polar; blue, acidic; magenta, basic. The symbols used in the protein sequence alignments are asterisks for identical residues, colons for conserved residues and dots for semi-conserved residues.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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