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Figure 2
Comparison of PfPL1 with other PL1 enzymes reveals insight into its active site. (a) Overlay of PfPL1 (orange), VexL (PDB entry 6fi2, blue) and Jun a 1 (PDB entry 1pxz, yellow) shown as Cα ribbons. (b) Overlay of PfPL1 (orange) and PelC (PDB entry 1ewe, purple) shown as Cα ribbons. (c) Active site of PfPL1 (orange) compared with that of VexL (PDB entry 6fi2, blue). (d) Active site of PfPL1 (orange) compared with that of PelC (PDB entry 1ewe, purple). Ca2+ ions involved in substrate binding in PelC are shown as light grey spheres. The proposed catalytic Ca2+ ion involved in the catalytic mechanism of PelC is shown as a dark grey sphere.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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