CIF applications
ASTAR: a .NET class library for STAR/CIF manipulation
aInstrumental Analysis and Measurement Center, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350002, People's Republic of China
*Correspondence e-mail: transi@fzu.edu.cn
A .NET class library for STAR/CIF manipulation, ASTAR, has been developed and is available at https://xstar.sourceforge.net/astar/ . The library provides facilities to read and write STAR/CIF files and an object model to manipulate data in STAR/CIF files. While the library is written in the C# programming language, it can be utilized by programs written in various programming languages targeting the .NET platform.
1. Introduction
The STAR (Self-defining Text Archive and Retrieval) syntax (Hall, 1991) provides a way for simple, easy-to-comprehend, flexible and extensible data exchange. The syntax permits most types of data items, data structures and data cells.
The et al., 1991), derived from the STAR syntax, is widely used in crystallography for data archiving and exchange. While was primarily designed to describe small-molecule structures and crystallographic experiments, a specialized format, mmCIF (Bourne et al., 1997
), was developed to describe protein structures and is an alternative to the PDB (Protein Data Bank; Bernstein et al., 1977
; Bermann et al., 2000
) format. Besides the advantages mentioned above, another important feature of is that data in files can be validated against standard dictionaries which are written in the (DDL) (Hall & Cook, 2005
; Westbrook et al., 2005
). A dictionary is itself a file containing definitions of data items and categories used in data files.
Another application of STAR is NMR-STAR, which was developed for archiving and exchanging data from NMR spectroscopic studies on biomolecules, at the Biological Magnetic Resonance Bank (BMRB, https://www.bmrb.wisc.edu/ ).
Programming libraries for manipulation of STAR/CIF files are available in various programming languages, including Fortran (Hall & Bernstein, 1996), C (Westbrook et al., 1997
), Objective C (Chang & Bourne, 1998
), Perl (Bluhm, 2000
) and Python (Hester, 2006
). These libraries can significantly ease the task of adding or STAR functionality to software projects. ASTAR, described in this article, is a class library developed for working with and STAR files on the .NET platform.
The .NET Framework is a new platform for building, deploying and running applications. It was first developed by the Microsoft Corporation (https://www.microsoft.com/net/ ). Part of the Microsoft .NET Framework was standardized by the ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association, 2001, 2006
; https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-335.htm ) and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization, 2003
, 2006
; https://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=42927 ) as an open specification under the name of Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), which was published as ECMA-335 and ISO/IEC 23271. Mono (https://www.mono-project.com/ ) is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which is binary compatible with Microsoft .NET and supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Free BSD and other UNIX-like operating systems. The .NET Framework offers a number of advantages to software developers, including support for many modern programming features (such as memory management, exception handling, thread management and concurrent computing), a consistent programming model and a foundational class library across different languages. Programs and modules on .NET are compiled into Common Intermediate Language (CIL) assemblies which are portable across software and hardware platforms. The .NET platform does just-in-time (JIT) compilation at runtime to achieve performance close to native machine code. While .NET is widely used in information technologies, much work has been done in scientific computing with .NET, e.g. Math.NET (https://www.mathdotnet.com/ ), ILNumerics.NET (https://ilnumerics.net/ ) and SCINET (https://www.obacs.com/ ).
ASTAR, exploiting the advantages of .NET, can be utilized for STAR/CIF manipulation on various hardware and software platforms supported by .NET (either the Microsoft .NET or Mono implementation) and can interoperate with different programming languages targeting the .NET platform.
2. Implementation
2.1. Programming
ASTAR is written in the C# programming language. GPLEX (Gough, 2008) and GPPG (Kelly, 2008
) are used to generate the lexical scanners and parsers from the STAR/CIF grammar files. By default, the library is compiled into a .NET assembly file (AStar.dll) and the dependencies of the lexical scanners and parsers are included. Programs written in different .NET programming languages can utilize ASTAR by adding references to this assembly file at compile-time or runtime.
2.2. Namespaces
The classes in the ASTAR library are defined in different namespaces.
(1) AStar.Common: the common classes for STAR and are defined in this namespace, including the class, which is the base class of most collection classes in ASTAR, and the Measurand structure, which represents a measurand value and the associated standard uncertainty.
(2) AStar.Cif: the classes related to are defined in this namespace.
(3) AStar.Star: the classes related to STAR are defined in this namespace.
2.3. Differences between STAR and CIF
0x0B and 0x0C; (ii) the limit on the maximum number of characters in a text line or a data name; (iii) the limit on the use of save-frames and save-frame references; (iv) the exclusion of global_ blocks; (v) the limit on looping levels (a recursive loop is not allowed).
is similar to STAR except for some restrictions on the syntax: (i) the exclusion of the ASCII charactersASTAR supports both specifications. Because most of these differences must be handled at the lexical scanning and parsing stages, the lexical scanner, parser and other classes for each specification are implemented independently and defined in different namespaces. The implementation of https://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/cif/developers/trip ). In the rest of this article, we will only focus on the part of ASTAR.
has been tested against the IUCr `trip' test suite (2.4. Object model to represent a file
Fig. 1 shows the representation of a file using the ASTAR objects. The important object classes in the AStar.Cif and AStar.Common namespaces are briefly described below.
![]() | Figure 1 Representation of a CIF file with the ASTAR CIF object model. |
(1) A CifPack object represents a file and contains CifBlock objects. CifPack is the top-level collection class of the ASTAR object model and is derived from the base class .
(2) A CifBlock object represents a data block in the file.
(3) A CifFrame object represents a save-frame in the data block.
(4) CifBlock and CifFrame are both derived from the same abstract base class CifFieldCollection.
(5) A CifFieldCollection object contains CifField objects which represent data items in the data block or save-frame. CifFieldCollection is derived from the base class .
(6) A CifPrimitiveField object represents a tag–value pair in the data block or save-frame and holds a single CifValue object.
(7) A CifLoop object represents a loop structure in the data block or save-frame and contains CifLoopField objects.
(8) A CifLoopField object represents a tag and the associated value list in the loop structure and holds a CifValueList object.
(9) CifPrimitiveField and CifLoopField are both derived from the same abstract base class CifField.
(10) The class CifLoopRow is provided for the convenience of row-oriented data access on CifLoop.
(11) A CifValue object represents a single value. Various methods are provided for conversion between CifValue and other .NET data types, including String, Int32, Int64, Double and Measurand.
(12) A CifValueList object contains CifValue objects. CifValueList implements the interface.
(13) CifValue and CifValueList are both derived from the same abstract base class CifXData.
(14) The structure Measurand is provided for the convenience of grouping a measurand value and the associated standard uncertainty.
(15) The generic class is a collection of T objects, where the class T implements the INamed interface.
implements the
interface and provides the indexing functionality based on either the order or the name (case insensitive) of the item in the collection.
3. Using ASTAR
3.1. Input, output and data manipulation
Figs. 2 and 3
show two examples written in C# and Python (the IronPython implementation, https://ironpython.codeplex.com/ ). More examples written in other programming languages, including VB .NET, F# (https://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/cambridge/projects/fsharp/ ) and Ruby (the IronRuby implementation, https://ironruby.codeplex.com/ ), are available in the `src/LangInterop' directory of the source package of ASTAR. These examples demonstrate basic input, output and data manipulation with the ASTAR class library. The details are described below.
![]() | Figure 2 A code snippet which demonstrates the use of ASTAR, written in C#. |
![]() | Figure 3 A code snippet which demonstrates the use of ASTAR, written in Python. |
(1) File input. As shown in Part A of each example, a CifPack object is created by calling the constructor with the path to the file as the argument. In more practical use, an empty CifPack object can be created by calling the constructor with no arguments; then various Load or Parse methods can be used to load data from different sources. In this way, the behaviour of the parser is finely controlled and a list of syntax errors is also available.
(2) Data manipulation. As shown in Part B of each example, data blocks (CifBlock objects) within the file (CifPack object) are iterated using the foreach or for statement, the fields (CifField objects) in the data block are accessible via the square-bracket notations (indexers). The GetLoop method of CifBlock is used to obtain the loop structure (CifLoop object) that contains the field with the specified name. Data in the loop structure are retrieved via the iteration over the property of CifLoop, which implements the
interface. As shown in Part C of each example, an empty CifBlock object is created and added to the CifPack object, two primitive data items (CifPrimitiveField objects) are created within the newly created CifBlock object, one accepts a String as its value and the other accepts a Measurand as its value. A CifLoop object containing two fields is created, and the value list of each loop field (CifLoopField object) is set via the List property of CifLoopField.
(3) File output. As shown in Part D of each example, the CifPack object with the content modified in the previous procedure is saved to a new file by calling the Save method with the specified file path. Alternatively, a String representation of the CifPack object can be created by calling the ToText method.
3.2. Performance test
The performance of file reading (lexical scanning, parsing) and writing (checking on names, tags, values etc.) with ASTAR has been tested on various CLR/OS combinations. Table 1 gives some representative times for reading and writing typical files, including one common data file (from the IUCr electronic archives) for a small-molecule structure (Lipstman & Goldberg, 2009
), two mmCIF files (from RCSB PDB, https://www.pdb.org/ ) for protein structures (Varghese & Colman, 1991
; Gamblin et al., 2004
), and two dictionary files (from ftp://ftp.iucr.org/pub/ ) written in DDL1 and DDL2.
The overall reading speed on the Mono/Linux combination is slightly faster than on the Microsoft .NET/Windows combination. The overall writing speed on the Mono/Linux combination is about two to four times slower than on the Microsoft .NET/Windows combination, which is due to the reduced efficiency of the implementation of Regex on Mono. Despite these differences caused by different runtime implementations, the performance can be considered high enough for common desktop or server applications on modern computer platforms, though it may not compete with some STAR/CIF libraries which are implemented in lower-level languages such as C and Fortran.
4. Applications
Two programs that utilize the ASTAR class library to manipulate
files are included in the ASTAR project.4.1. AXC: conversion between and XML
The AXC program does conversion between and XML. XML is widely supported by computer software for data exchange. AXC represents data with the XML Document Object Model (DOM) in a straightforward way, which is detailed in the online documentation. With the help of XSLT, the XML files can be transformed into various XML-compliant formats, e.g. XHTML. The following gives some sample uses of AXC:
(1) axc ciftoxml a.cif
Converts the
file `a.cif' to an XML file `a.xml'.(2) axc xml2cif b.xml
Converts the XML file `b.xml' to a
file `b.cif'.(3) axc xslt -l ctod.xsl -o d.xml c.xml
Transforms the XML file `c.xml' to another XML file `d.xml' using the XSL style-sheet `ctod.xsl'.
4.2. ATrans: template-based CIF-to-text transformation
The ATrans program is used to generate files in arbitrary text formats from files based on template files. The following gives a sample use of ATrans:
atrans -t report.tex.cif -o a.tex a.cif
The command generates a LaTeX file `a.tex' from the
data file `a.cif', using the template file `report.tex.cif'.A template file is a shows a sample template entry, which is defined within a data block. The value of _tdl_context_type indicates the type of item that the template should be applied to. In this example, the value `BLOCK' indicates that the item must be a data block. The looping of _tdl_item_type, _tdl_item_select and _tdl_item_apply is used to select child items in the context and apply templates to them. The values of _tdl_item_type and _tdl_item_select specify the type and name of the child item to be selected. The values of _tdl_item_apply specify the template text or the names of the template entries (data blocks). In this example, the primitive field `_chemical_name_systematic' in the context (a data block) is selected and the template text is applied to it (with the variables and expressions evaluated and expanded), then the loop structure which contains the field `_atom_site_label' is selected and the template `tbl_atom' is applied to it.
![]() | Figure 4 A sample template entry. |
Sample template files to transform
into various text formats, including HTML, LaTeX, RTF and the plain text format, are provided in the `data/tdl' directory of the source package of ASTAR. The syntax of template files is detailed in the online documentation.5. Availability
ASTAR is released under the LGPL or BSD licence. The source and binary packages are freely available at the project web site, https://xstar.sourceforge.net/astar/ . The binaries are compiled with Microsoft .NET SDK 2.0 on Windows XP and can be used on Microsoft .NET (2.0 and above) and Mono (1.2 and above). Full documentation and examples are also available online.
The author is grateful to the project hosting service provider, SourceForge.
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