Figure 1
(a) A sketch of ErwiN with two detectors. The components are numbered as follows: (1) monochromatic beam exit, (2) secondary flight path, (3) stock of vanadium sample containers for robotic sample changer, (4) six-axis robotic arm, (5) sample table (x, y, z, ω, θ1, θ2, θ3), (6) large curved two-dimensional multidetector (ri = 800 mm, h = 200 mm, 2θ coverage 135°), (7) radial oscillating collimator, (8) 30° two-dimensional neutron detector for spatially resolved powder diffraction, (9) radial oscillating collimator and (10) fast mechanical remounting plugs. (b) A rear view of the setup for the spatially resolved powder diffraction option (with the large curved two-dimensional multidetector removed). |