Figure 1
(a) The relative offset of the mean lattice parameter (aCALM − a0)/a0 from simulated Kikuchi patterns of various single-element structures. The different colours of the hollow circles indicate the structure type: A1 = face-centred cubic (f.c.c.), A2 = body-centred cubic (b.c.c.), A3 = hexagonal close-packed (h.c.p.), A4 = diamond and Ax = other element structure types. The error bars refer to σhkl. The predicted offsets considering both Z and the unit-cell volume Vuc are overlaid as black dots. (b) A plot to explain the significant deviations from the linear approach [dark-grey straight line in panel (a)], suggesting a correlation with the mass density ρ (left-hand axis) satisfyingly approximated by the right-hand axis (2 × 1024/NA)(nZ/Vuc) (NA is Avogadro's number). |