Figure 7
Averaged 2D and 3D reconstructions obtained using xFrame for three different model structures shown in Fig. 5 . The two upper rows show two distinct views of the reconstructed 3D structures, and the third row displays 2D slices through the centers of the respective 3D reconstructions. The bottom row displays averaged 2D reconstructions, which correspond to the 2D projections shown in the bottom row in Fig. 5 . The first two rows show isosurfaces at 15% of the maximal reconstructed electron-density value, and the last two rows display density values higher than 15% of the maximal density value. The 2D slices in (c), (g) and (k) are taken at approximately the same regions of the electron density as given for the model structures in (c), (g) and (k) of Fig. 5 , respectively. The white scale bars shown in the two bottom rows correspond to 5 nm. |