forthcoming articles
The following articles are a selection of those recently accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Crystallography.
See also Forthcoming articles in all IUCr journals.

Optimal st-PMMA/C60 helical inclusion complexes via tunable energy landscapes for the application of an Ag SERS-active substrate
This study tunes the energy landscape of the st-PMMA/C60/toluene complex system and finds the efficient pathway to form the thermodynamically favored st-PMMA/C60 complex by temperature modulation. This st-PMMA/C60 complex architecture further acts as a photoreduction site for yielding the Ag SERS-active substrate for advanced chemical sensing applications.

RamPlot: a webserver to draw 2D, 3D and assorted Ramachandran (φ, ψ) maps
A web server has been developed to draw and analyse 2D and 3D Ramachandran maps, enabling users easily to visualize and assess torsion angles, including those from non-standard residues, across multiple protein structures. RamPlot also facilitates the visualization of torsion angles across three rotatable bonds and monitors conformational transitions during molecular dynamics simulations.

Epitaxial growth of bismuth on CaF2/Si(111): from planar films to self-organized arrays of nanostructures
The type, morphology, crystalline structure and character of faceting of Bi/CaF2 planar films and self-organized arrays of nanostructures have been extensively studied for different growth temperature cases.

Solvent annealing-induced microphase separation in polyether polyurethane: a small-angle X-ray scattering study
Small-angle X-ray scattering was applied to polyether polyurethane to investigate the effects of solvent vapor annealing on the microphase separation. Among the solvents studied, methyl ethyl ketone induced the greatest degree of phase separation in polyurethane compared with the thermally annealed state.

Upgrade of the KWS-2 high-intensity/extended Q-range SANS diffractometer of JCNS for soft matter and biophysics: in situ SEC, controlled in situ RH/T variation and WANS detection
Upgrades at the KWS-2 small-angle neutron scattering diffractometer for an optimal sample quality for biological systems (in-beam size-exclusion chromatography complementarity), controlled humidity and temperature on ionic conductive samples and biological membranes and diffraction capability (wide-angle neutron scattering) are reported.

Complete online database of maximal subgroups of subperiodic groups at the Bilbao Crystallographic Server
The complete maximal subgroups of subperiodic groups database of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server is presented. The program MAXSUB gives online access to all maximal non-isotypic as well as all maximal isotypic subgroups of indices up to 9, and to the series of maximal isotypic subgroups of subperiodic groups.

Rietveld refinement and NMR crystallographic investigations of multicomponent crystals containing alkali metal chlorides and urea
Three multicomponent crystals of the form MCl:Urea·xH2O (M = Li, Na, Cs) have been prepared with novel mechanochemical methods, and their crystal structures determined using an NMR crystallography-guided Rietveld refinement that features the combined use of multinuclear solid-state NMR of quadrupolar nuclei, plane-wave density functional theory calculations and synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data.

A critical step toward far-field laboratory diffraction contrast tomography in Laue focusing geometry
A far-field laboratory diffraction contrast tomography (FF-LabDCT) technique is established and verified using conventional near-field LabDCT. Future directions to enhance FF-LabDCT as a versatile tool are outlined.

Probing the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of driven colloids by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
This article presents an application of X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) to probe the out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a driven colloidal system. XPCS enables the investigation of direction-dependent non-equilibrium dynamics and the gradual return of the suspension to equilibrium Brownian behaviour. The influence of such transient non-equilibrium dynamics needs to be taken into consideration when dynamic scattering methods are used for micrometre-range particle measurement.

Computing virtual dark-field X-ray microscopy images of complex discrete dislocation structures from large-scale molecular dynamics simulations
A scalable forward model is developed to calculate virtual dark-field X-ray microscopy (DFXM) images of complex dislocation structures predicted by atomistic simulations, demonstrating the potential of DFXM to resolve features from dislocation multiplication and microstructural evolution.

Formalism to image the dynamics of coherent and incoherent phonons with dark-field X-ray microscopy using kinematic diffraction theory
Here, a formalism to relate dark-field X-ray microscopy images to quantitative measurements of coherent and incoherent phonon populations in bulk single crystals is described.

Form factor of prismatic particles for small-angle scattering analysis
A new tool for form factor analysis of any n-sided nanoprism is presented. Shape analysis of various gold and/or silver nanoprisms (n = 3, 4, 5) is conducted using small-angle X-ray scattering experimental data. Our method compares well with transmission electron microscopy image analysis, providing additional details about the nanoprisms, and significantly reduces computation time compared with all-atom simulations.

Solid structure of Li2BeF4 (FLiBe) from room temperature to melting studied by neutron and X-ray diffraction
The volume expansion of Li2BeF4 upon melting is less than 5%. The equation describing the change in density of Li2BeF4 due to thermal expansion from room temperature to melting has been measured by neutron and X-ray diffraction, and the density is found to change depending on molecular weight and enrichment. Anisotropic volume expansion occurs in the crystal, and preferred orientation occurs in Li2BeF4 with the a unit-cell axes aligning with the direction of freezing front propagation.