Figure 6
Crystal packing of L-Nva at (a) 100 K, (b) 220 K and (c) 293 K and (d) of L-Val at 293 K (Torii & Iitaka, 1970 ), all viewed along the a-axis. At the two lowest temperatures, C atoms of molecule A are colored in dark grey, while those of molecule B are light grey. Similar sections of a molecular bilayer of L-Nva are highlighted by blue shading in (a) and (b) to highlight the sliding half a unit-cell length along the vertical 5.2 Å axis during transition 1. Red shades in (c) and (d) cover the hydrophobic regions at room temperature, of width 8.82 Å for L-Nva and 6.45 Å for L-Val (calculated as the distance between planes running through the centers of the Cα—Cβ bonds). |