Figure 9
(a) Crystal packing of L-Nle at 210 K viewed along the a-axis. C atoms of the least populated side-chain conformation are shown in light grey color. (b) Crystal packing at 380 K viewed along the b-axis. Only the most populated side-chain conformation is included. (c) Equivalent to (b), but at 405 K. The narrow blue rectangular shade in (b) shows the 0.26 Å vertical `up' offset of the right molecule compared with the left as the result of the 90.916 (5)° β angle. In (c) the shift is `down' 3.76 Å [red shaded rectangle, β = 103.11 (2)°, note different origin] for a total slide of 4.01 Å along the vertical 9.6 Å a-axis. |
ISSN: 2052-2525