Figure 8
The distorted structure induced by (a) the Γ4− mode and (b) the Λ3 mode for the Pmc21 phase, viewed along the b axis. The red solid lines indicate the z coordinates for the undistorted structure, the vertical dashed red lines in panel (b) show the boundaries of the two-layer octahedral units within which the dipole moments share the same direction, and the red arrows denote the displacements of the respective ions. (c) The distorted structure induced by the Γ4− mode for the R3c phase, viewed along the b axis. (d), (e), (f) The ionic displacements induced by (d) the Γ4− mode, (e) the Λ3 mode in the Pmc21 phase and (f) the Γ4− mode in the R3c phase as a function of LiTaO3 content. |
ISSN: 2052-2525