Figure 3
Structure of deuterated Tetdron in the equilibrium state (a–c) and deuterated Tetdron in the `off-state' after 400 nm irradiation (d–f). (a) Structural alignment of deuterated (yellow) and hydrogenated (cyan) Tetdron at equilibrium. (b) Structural alignment close-up of the chromophore site with surrounding residues. (c) Electron density of the chromophore in the trans configuration for deuterated Tetdron at equilibrium. The grey mesh is a 2|Fo|−|Fc| electron-density map contoured at 1σ. (d) Structural alignment of deuterated Tetdron after 400 nm irradiation (`off-state', purple), and hydrogenated Tetdron at equilibrium (cyan). (e) Structural alignment close-up of the chromophore site with surrounding residues. (f) Electron density of the chromophore in the trans configuration for deuterated Tetdron after 400 nm irradiation. The grey mesh is a 2|Fo|−|Fc| electron-density map contoured at 1σ. |
ISSN: 2052-2525