Figure 4
Surface colored by atom type (a) and charge-smoothened vacuum contact electrostatic surface (b) of human EPDR1. (a) The surface rendering (N atoms in blue, O atoms in red and C atoms in yellow) of dimeric human EPDR1 shows a deep hydrophobic cleft. The approximate regions of the hydrophobic pockets are circled in white. (b) The surface of negative and positive electrostatic potential patches generated using a charge-smoothened contact potential in PyMOL more clearly illustrates the hydrophobic pocket located within each of the monomeric subunits in the EPDR1 dimer. [Note that the negative (red) and positive (blue) charges scaled in KBT/ec units at pH 7 (KB, Boltzmann constant; ec, charge on the electron) are only qualitatively useful]. The boundaries of the hydrophobic pocket entrances are indicated in black. |
ISSN: 2052-2525