Figure 7
Resolution of six selected segments (out of 100) extracted from the 80S map. (a) Side view. (b) Top view. In both views the small subunit (40S) is on the left and the large subunit (60S) is on the right. The resolution was estimated using σg = 3, CI at a 1% significance level and t = 0.143. The overall resolution of the 80S ribosome with the very tight mask was 156 pixels (3.09 Å). Segments: green, 126 pixels (3.83 Å); yellow, 154 pixels (3.13 Å); red, 158 pixels (3.05 Å); light blue, 144 pixels (3.35 Å); dark blue, 152 pixels (3.17 Å); magenta, 141 pixels (3.42 Å). |
ISSN: 2052-2525