Figure 9
(a) Comparison of the UOX-5PMUA complex at RT and 100 K. The four UOX protomers from the RT structure are shown in yellow, magenta, green and cyan while the whole UOX tetramer (PDB code 4cw2) solved at 100 K is shown in black. The four 5PMUA molecules that bind at the interface between two protomers are shown as sticks; one is highlighted by a dashed red box for clarity. The flexible C-terminus (indicated by the letter C) is not observed in the present RT structure. (b) Scheme of the reaction that converts UOX-bound MUA into its 5PMUA derivative under aerobic conditions. The C5—O1 bond that is very susceptible to X-ray-induced rupture is shown in red. (c) Active site of the UOX-5PMUA complex from SSX data at 2.3 Å resolution. UOX residues at the interface are shown in stick representation and are color-coded according to the subunit they belong to. 2mFo − DFc electron density contoured at the 1σ level is shown in blue for 5PMUA. Hydrogen bonds involving 5PMUA are shown as cyan dashed lines. |
ISSN: 2052-2525